I just got back from the Hank III show and I can barely walk. I will be covered in bruises for a while to say the least, and everything is going to be sore as hell. I miss this feeling, I need to spend an evening in a mosh pit more often.
Now I just long to get in the bath, soak, and finish the really fucking awesome book "Survivor" that I am reading, so I can move on to Junk(y) by Burroughs. Tomorrow, I think I will spend the day doing nothing but reading and working on my seemingly never to be finished novel "Johnny Red."
See some of you monday at the SG Burlesque, some of you some time after that, and some of you probably never, hah hah. I think I have actually met the majority of you on my friends list, sadly for you.
New profile pic. A little more suiting of my personality. Hah hah.
EDIT:I have also began writing for 100 words. I have been practicing this for about a week and a half, trying to keep myself disciplined, and I realize that not only is this something I can do, but it benefits me by discipline and compiling alot of the small thoughts that often go unwritten because I do not have the time to develop them. I signed up and will submit an entry for each day in the month of october, which you will be able to read in november. I am going to post all the preliminary pieces as blog entries on myspace.
Didnt wast any time, did ya? Ha!
It was nice meeting you, too. Glad to have you on my friends list.