Pork chops in an asiago cream sauce with crimini mushrooms and green onions and brown rice for a side. There is nothing like hitting the store right before you cook, getting just enough produce for whatever is on the menu that night. I'll start thinking about what I want to cook on my way in, and by the time I leave I have everything planned out in my head. I love cooking. It's one of those great things that help me relax, be creative, and share with other people.
It's also one of those things I don't do nearly enough. Doing journal updates falls into that same category. I havn't updated in over a week and my only excuse is work. My typical exchange with a friend at a club goes something like this.
Person: How have you been?
C: I've been great, you?
P: Good, what have you been up to?
C: Work, school.
That often makes me think about what else there is. I do other things and definitly go out, hang out, etc, but those are the 2 main driving forces in my life. Maybe I need to travel more. I think at some point in my future, those 3 things, work, travel, and learning will converge into what I do everyday. If Milan Kundera were here, he'd connect all this together in the imagery of cooking... and Russian tanks, maybe. Following my reasoning in the begining, I guess what I'm getting at is that when I live life I really enjoy it and find it a rewarding activity, but too often I neglect to do it.
It's also one of those things I don't do nearly enough. Doing journal updates falls into that same category. I havn't updated in over a week and my only excuse is work. My typical exchange with a friend at a club goes something like this.
Person: How have you been?
C: I've been great, you?
P: Good, what have you been up to?
C: Work, school.
That often makes me think about what else there is. I do other things and definitly go out, hang out, etc, but those are the 2 main driving forces in my life. Maybe I need to travel more. I think at some point in my future, those 3 things, work, travel, and learning will converge into what I do everyday. If Milan Kundera were here, he'd connect all this together in the imagery of cooking... and Russian tanks, maybe. Following my reasoning in the begining, I guess what I'm getting at is that when I live life I really enjoy it and find it a rewarding activity, but too often I neglect to do it.
I just got distracted, so this has nothing ot do with ur journal, but whats the wild gorilla??