The wii rocks - makes me feel like I'm 8 again. Didn't get rock band yet, maybe this weekend. Time to figure out what the music scene here is like. I haven't seen a show in ages.
Back! And I passed my prelims, meaning I'm not a total screw up and they will permit me to continue. I think I'll treat myself with a wii and rockband tomorrow.
Will be back in 2 weeks.
Hello Sweets how have you been?Glad to hear from you.......I'll be back soon just trying to get everything together....Much Luvs
Gonna start building the Alton Brown Flower Pot smoker today so I can show these yanks how we cook meat in Texas.
The link:Smoker How-to

The link:Smoker How-to
I love Alton Brown.
I finished the first half of my comprehensive-demonstrate-everything-you've-learned-ever-and-aren't-a-fuck-up exam Friday. Two weeks of prep, no alcohol, no going out, no video games... That first beer Friday afternoon was one of the best beers of my life. I have to do it all over again, starting preparations this Friday and finishing Aug 7th. I will know sometime this week how I did on the first half...
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hey, feel free to join SG Cleveland. we're all pretty much assholes and never go out, lol, but you can come be anti-social assholes with us.
No AC is a little tough. I don't know how you Northern dwelling folks do it. I realize there are only a few days like this out of the year, but man it's hot (in a relative way). I would be hot in Texas too, but at least I could chill out under the AC vent instead of sweating to death.
Yes that is the quadratic equation tattoo on my wrist haha. Thanks for noticing and commenting on my set. Keep in touch <3
I hate studying, and not just in the "Math is hard, I don't want to study" sort of way. I've been in school for fucking-ever now and I there is nothing more pointless to me than studying for the sake of taking an exam. I'm a big fan of discimus agere agendo - we learn to do by doing - so if something isn't stuck...
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I think I'll pick this back up. I'm in a strange land, far to the north, and things are very un-Texas. Need to learn what's up in the great lakes area - and maybe put up a profile pic that isn't 5 years old.
Human after all.
Holy shit - more than 5 months since an update. Well there is only one thing to report...
I just got back from Coachella, and Saturday night my world was permanently rocked by Daft Punk. I've seen alot of concerts, clubs, and raves, but *I ain't never seen or heard anything like that.
I may have been under the influence heat stroke,...
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Holy shit - more than 5 months since an update. Well there is only one thing to report...
I just got back from Coachella, and Saturday night my world was permanently rocked by Daft Punk. I've seen alot of concerts, clubs, and raves, but *I ain't never seen or heard anything like that.
I may have been under the influence heat stroke,...
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Thank you sweetie for the pic comment.....Glad you enjoyed them...Much Luvs
Yay. I graduated, finally, a little behind schedule at the age of 26. I am now a biochemist and everyone keeps asking me, "what's next?"
I dunno - eating, drinking, sleeping, screwing. All pretty standard functions, none of which require much training. I do appreciate everything I've learned, and I want to do something like grad school. Most of all I need to figure out...
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I dunno - eating, drinking, sleeping, screwing. All pretty standard functions, none of which require much training. I do appreciate everything I've learned, and I want to do something like grad school. Most of all I need to figure out...
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