A random selection of people I have had a crush on, presented in no particular order, for your delight, perusal and edification.
Uma Thurman
Katie Puckrick
Brodie Armstrong
Dr Girlfriend
Fairuza Balk
Audrey Hepburn
Grace Kelly
Lauren Bacall
Kelly Osbourne
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Kirsten Dunst
Molly Ringwald
In The Goonies, not Andy, but her mate with the glasses.
Darryl Hannah - Blade Runner
Darryl Hannah - Kill Bill
Ally Sheedy
Winona Ryder - Heathers
Christina Ricci
Marla Singer
Michaela Strachan
Charlotte Uhlenbrook
Jackie Kennedy
Uma Thurman
Katie Puckrick
Brodie Armstrong
Dr Girlfriend
Fairuza Balk
Audrey Hepburn
Grace Kelly
Lauren Bacall
Kelly Osbourne
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Kirsten Dunst
Molly Ringwald
In The Goonies, not Andy, but her mate with the glasses.
Darryl Hannah - Blade Runner
Darryl Hannah - Kill Bill
Ally Sheedy
Winona Ryder - Heathers
Christina Ricci
Marla Singer
Michaela Strachan
Charlotte Uhlenbrook
Jackie Kennedy
And it clearly wasn't meant to be dude, I mean could you really stand to be with someone who couldn't see the romance of dozens of rabbit corpses?
The Kanye album is a bit over produced, but would you expect any different? It's good check it out. Its no 'college dropout' though...