Paul is fuelled by hate. Because he is a generous and loving god, he will share his hate with you.
1# Doreen Virtue.
This is the big one at the moment. This is the one that makes me taste blood, and the oily smoke of burning flesh.
Doreen Virtue makes a fuckload of cash from... I can't even describe it, you've got eyes, you can see for yourselves. Usually, I think this sort of shit is harmless. I've got now problem with exploiting the stupid, in much the same way I have no problem with eating chicken.
The problem is that I work in a bookshop (Because I have a gentle soul -honest.) and come into contact with her unique brand of Non-think on a daily basis.
She's also brought out a book encouraging people to "heal themselves with the power of their guardian angels!".
Paul takes a moment to scream like a wounded animal at the sky
That shit's just mean. I think it preys on the desperate hopes of people with terminal/chronic illnesses. Therefore, Doreen Virtue (And I really really doubt that's her real name...) has earnt my utter disdain.
Let's think this through. Let's assume that there really are 'Angelic Beings'.
Typing this sentence makes Paul feel dirty. Dirty inside.
These beings of ultimate goodness and positive energy, filled with nothing but truth and light and hope and love for all mankind, don't want to end world hunger.
They don't want to convince the CEOs of Multinationals to behave more ethically.
They don't want to end the unrest in the middle east.
They don't want to halt our dependence on fossil fuels for cheap sources of power.
They don't want to halt the spread of HIV/AIDs
What they do want to do though, is to help the self absorbed in rich developed countries deal with their 'inner pain' and 'abandonment issues'.
GOOD WORK ANGELS. You bunch of winged tossers.
If there really were 'Angelic Presences' that wanted to make the world a better place for us all with their amazing spiritual powers, why're they only communicating to us through a select band of new agers? Surely, if they're such enlightened beings of spiritual goodness, they would talk to us all?
Not just Doreen, with her lovely hair? Who appears to making the hard tall dollar out of all this, but let's just ignore that shall we, because she's a good person that just wants to help you. Yes. Honest.
Paul coughs and chokes and eventually spits up a black tar like substance, that he realises is his own hatred made manifest. It starts to burn in contact with the air, and gives of a thick greasy smoke that burns his eyes.
2# Alternative Therapy'New Age' Thought in general.
I'm sorry, it's Doreen's fault, she's started me off. It incenses me, especially the all pervading attitude of "Well, western science/medicine doesn't have All the answers..."
It never fucking pretended it did! The whole point of scientific endevour is to look at something and say;
"Right, we've no idea what the fuck this does, let's study it in a logical and coherant manner, get some good results that can be replicated, and draw some conclusions, before putting our findings before our peers to be reviewed.
That way, if we've missed anything, they can pick up on it, and the total sum of human knowledge can slowly and steadfastly advance."
Instead, the ALt therapy quacks insist on "intuitive wisdom". FUCK THAT. If I've been shitting blood for the last week, I want someone to be able to tell me EXACTLY what the hell is wrong with me. I don't want someone in a batik print T shirt and a ponytail to tell me they "feel" my chakras are misaligned and that I need to eat more wheat grass and take up yoga.
The whole idea that people in the developing world are more in touch with the earth, and their herbal cures are more positive and beneficial is also complete tonk.
I dare you, right now, go to the Third World, find a local and sit them down, ask them what they want in terms of health care, accupuncture and ayurvedic massage, maybe a bit of reiki? Or maybe some heavy duty antibiotics, a full vaccination program and some TB medication, pronto.
Paul shivers, shakes, his hands cramp, his jaw clenches. So much hate... Coursing through veins... Must continue...
3# Intelligent Design.
I can't really go into this one in too much depth, because I think I'm running the risk of giving myself a stroke.
Basically, the best thing they've come up with is that some bacteria have flagellum, whip-like appendages that twirl around and help propel the bacteria through water. At fist glance, pretty simple, but close up, actually quite a sophistcated bit of kit, that appears to work like a mechanical style propellor.
-LOOK! They scream!
Good work boys. Let's just leave aside the whole issue of 'cultural assumption' where you've looked at something and said, "hey, crazy, that looks like a ractcheting gear... That must be a ratcheting gear!"
What does this teach us? God cares about bacteria enough to give them outboard propellors, but doesn't really give a shit about you. Ouch.
The big thing that Intelligent Designers used to harp on about was the eye, how such an elegant and useful structure* could not have come about by random, until the properly smart people demonstrated how it came about through millions of years of incremental changes (Millions - People don't really have a concept of how long period of time a thousand years is. A Million, just one million is fucking VAST.).
The eye has evolved several different times as well. In fact, Octopus, squids, and cuttlefish; they all have better 'designed' eyes than we do. Again, what does this tell you about your god? More time for Octopoids and protozoa than the ape men? (Shit, I think I like this kind of God.)
*let's just ignore cataracts and stigmatisms and stuff like that yeah?
4# I think I've actually expunged all of my hatred... No, No wait, one last thing.
President Shrub. I laugh as I see your corrupt administration of chattering swine slowly collapse around your oversized ears. Hahahahaha. That'll teach you to get my brother sent to a warzone, ya backward hick.
And, Relax.
1# Doreen Virtue.
This is the big one at the moment. This is the one that makes me taste blood, and the oily smoke of burning flesh.
Doreen Virtue makes a fuckload of cash from... I can't even describe it, you've got eyes, you can see for yourselves. Usually, I think this sort of shit is harmless. I've got now problem with exploiting the stupid, in much the same way I have no problem with eating chicken.
The problem is that I work in a bookshop (Because I have a gentle soul -honest.) and come into contact with her unique brand of Non-think on a daily basis.
She's also brought out a book encouraging people to "heal themselves with the power of their guardian angels!".
Paul takes a moment to scream like a wounded animal at the sky
That shit's just mean. I think it preys on the desperate hopes of people with terminal/chronic illnesses. Therefore, Doreen Virtue (And I really really doubt that's her real name...) has earnt my utter disdain.
Let's think this through. Let's assume that there really are 'Angelic Beings'.
Typing this sentence makes Paul feel dirty. Dirty inside.
These beings of ultimate goodness and positive energy, filled with nothing but truth and light and hope and love for all mankind, don't want to end world hunger.
They don't want to convince the CEOs of Multinationals to behave more ethically.
They don't want to end the unrest in the middle east.
They don't want to halt our dependence on fossil fuels for cheap sources of power.
They don't want to halt the spread of HIV/AIDs
What they do want to do though, is to help the self absorbed in rich developed countries deal with their 'inner pain' and 'abandonment issues'.
GOOD WORK ANGELS. You bunch of winged tossers.
If there really were 'Angelic Presences' that wanted to make the world a better place for us all with their amazing spiritual powers, why're they only communicating to us through a select band of new agers? Surely, if they're such enlightened beings of spiritual goodness, they would talk to us all?
Not just Doreen, with her lovely hair? Who appears to making the hard tall dollar out of all this, but let's just ignore that shall we, because she's a good person that just wants to help you. Yes. Honest.
Paul coughs and chokes and eventually spits up a black tar like substance, that he realises is his own hatred made manifest. It starts to burn in contact with the air, and gives of a thick greasy smoke that burns his eyes.
2# Alternative Therapy'New Age' Thought in general.
I'm sorry, it's Doreen's fault, she's started me off. It incenses me, especially the all pervading attitude of "Well, western science/medicine doesn't have All the answers..."
It never fucking pretended it did! The whole point of scientific endevour is to look at something and say;
"Right, we've no idea what the fuck this does, let's study it in a logical and coherant manner, get some good results that can be replicated, and draw some conclusions, before putting our findings before our peers to be reviewed.
That way, if we've missed anything, they can pick up on it, and the total sum of human knowledge can slowly and steadfastly advance."
Instead, the ALt therapy quacks insist on "intuitive wisdom". FUCK THAT. If I've been shitting blood for the last week, I want someone to be able to tell me EXACTLY what the hell is wrong with me. I don't want someone in a batik print T shirt and a ponytail to tell me they "feel" my chakras are misaligned and that I need to eat more wheat grass and take up yoga.
The whole idea that people in the developing world are more in touch with the earth, and their herbal cures are more positive and beneficial is also complete tonk.
I dare you, right now, go to the Third World, find a local and sit them down, ask them what they want in terms of health care, accupuncture and ayurvedic massage, maybe a bit of reiki? Or maybe some heavy duty antibiotics, a full vaccination program and some TB medication, pronto.
Paul shivers, shakes, his hands cramp, his jaw clenches. So much hate... Coursing through veins... Must continue...
3# Intelligent Design.
I can't really go into this one in too much depth, because I think I'm running the risk of giving myself a stroke.
Basically, the best thing they've come up with is that some bacteria have flagellum, whip-like appendages that twirl around and help propel the bacteria through water. At fist glance, pretty simple, but close up, actually quite a sophistcated bit of kit, that appears to work like a mechanical style propellor.
-LOOK! They scream!
Good work boys. Let's just leave aside the whole issue of 'cultural assumption' where you've looked at something and said, "hey, crazy, that looks like a ractcheting gear... That must be a ratcheting gear!"
What does this teach us? God cares about bacteria enough to give them outboard propellors, but doesn't really give a shit about you. Ouch.
The big thing that Intelligent Designers used to harp on about was the eye, how such an elegant and useful structure* could not have come about by random, until the properly smart people demonstrated how it came about through millions of years of incremental changes (Millions - People don't really have a concept of how long period of time a thousand years is. A Million, just one million is fucking VAST.).
The eye has evolved several different times as well. In fact, Octopus, squids, and cuttlefish; they all have better 'designed' eyes than we do. Again, what does this tell you about your god? More time for Octopoids and protozoa than the ape men? (Shit, I think I like this kind of God.)
*let's just ignore cataracts and stigmatisms and stuff like that yeah?
4# I think I've actually expunged all of my hatred... No, No wait, one last thing.
President Shrub. I laugh as I see your corrupt administration of chattering swine slowly collapse around your oversized ears. Hahahahaha. That'll teach you to get my brother sent to a warzone, ya backward hick.
And, Relax.
While Doreen Virtue is one of those that churns out this soulless "self-help" stuff endlessly and is no doubt making a hefty living out of it, I mean I don't know the woman so I couldn't possibly comment on her motives. But Id just like to say that my mum is also one of those people, you probably stock her books on the very same shelf as Dorren Virtue's. But she is one of the most loving, gentle people I have ever known, and she genuinely feels that by writing books about the angels she believes in she is reaching the right people and helping them. Because, they wouldn't pick up and buy her books if they weren't looking for something that she might be able to provide.
People in the third world won't be buying her books and won't be asking her for a reiki healing session, but when she's helped relieve chronic pain my dad's suffered for years, and brought my brother down from the edge of nervous collapse, as well as infinitely improving her own happiness in life, well you can't argue with that. She's brought a lot of peace to a lot of people, and if she's made money out of that, well that's just an added advantage. If she didn't help some people, she wouldn't have any "fans" or people buying her other books.
Now I've said that I will say she doesn't have a pony tail, but I suspect some of the items in her wardobe could be classed as Batik. Well. I can't defend everything can I?
Hope you're not mad, but I had to say my piece.