Complete and Utter Boredom:
1.smoked a cigarette - I smoke like a chimney.
2.smoked a cigar - A few, though I must say I prefer cigarettes.
3.made out with a member of the same sex - Yes. Nothing further than that though. O_O
4.crashed a friend's car - Nope.
5.stolen a car - I've helped.
6.been in love - True, mature, lasting love? No.
7.been dumped - Not yet oddly enough.
8.shoplifted - When I need to.
9.been fired - Once.
10.been in a fist fight - Yes. I hate them and can count them on one hand, but I can honestly say I've never lost, which means something I guess.
11.snuck out of your house - don't need to anymore, but yeah...
12.had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - Yep, done with that though.
13.been arrested - Once.. don't care to repeat it.
14.made out with a stranger - Napes.
15.gone on a blind date - Napes again.
16.lied to a friend - Never have or will.
17.had a crush on a teacher - hah. umm.. not really no.
18.skipped school - plenty of times.
19.slept with a co-worker - napes.
20.seen someone die - Yep..
21.been on a plane - 4 times exactly.
22.thrown up in a bar - nah.
23.taken painkillers - if by taken you mean abused, yes. someone or miss someone right now - napes.
25.laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - During happier days.
26.made a snow angel - couple times.
27.played dress up - heh, its one of my favorite games.
28.cheated while playing a game - nah, don't see the point.
29.been lonely - sometimes...
30.fallen asleep at work/school - every day sophomore year and a few scattered days junior year. work no.
31.used a fake id - Never needed one.
32.felt an earthquake - heh.. I live in california, what do you think?
33.touched a snake - used to catch them when i was a wee one.
34.ran a red light - yeah one or two..
35.been suspended from school - several times..
36.had detention - heh, almost every day.
37.been in a car accident - napes.
38.hated the way you look - most days.
39.witnessed a crime - does participating in one count?
40.pole danced - heh, not seriously, but yeah, couple times.
41.been lost - Nah. I'm a natural fucking boy scout.
42.been to the opposite side of the country - nah, though i'm planning on it.
43.felt like dying - Truly, honestly felt like death would be better than life? No sane person thinks that..
44.cried yourself to sleep - Not within memory.
45.played cops and robbers - I'm male, so yes, i have.
46.sang karaoke - heh. once. drunk.
47.done something you told yourself you wouldn't - No. I have a decent amount of self-control.
48.laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - That's possible?
49.caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yeah.
50.kissed in the rain - Once or twice... would like to do it some more...
51.sing in the shower - Seldom. ^_-
52.made love in a park - napes. what an awkward place.
53.had a dream that you married someone - heh, no, unfortunately, most of my dreams are about killing people. i'm a psychopathic serial killer in my dreams. O.-
54. glued your hand to something - Like paper & shit? yeah. glued my hand to my side once....
55. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - Napes
56.worn the opposite sex's clothes - I own a pair of girl pance.
57.been a cheerleader - o.O
58. sat on a roof top - those are fun ^.^ esp. to watch a sunset from.
59. didn't take a shower for a week - maybe once or twice in my whole life.
60.ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - I'm used to it, so nah, plus movies aren't scary anymore.
61.played chicken - on my street. in cars. fun, but not such a good idea.
62.been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - napes.
63.been told you're hot by a complete stranger - that happens?
64.broken a bone - nah, hoping i never do, sounds mighty painful.
65.been easily amused - when drunk I'm either really giggly or extremely cynical and anti-social..
66.laugh so hard you cry - Not in a LONG time..
67.mooned/flashed someone - Yeh, when I was a younger, less wise teenager.
68.cheated on a test - No.
69.forgotten someone's name - oh jeeze... have i ever remembered someone's name?
70.slept naked - Not alone. ^.^
71.gone skinny dipping in a pool - napes, too self conscious.
72.been kicked out of your house - Yeah I have, last Sunday actually. Just got back and I'm not sure if I'm staying.
73.blacked out from drinking - Never, and I always remember everything.
74.played a prank on someone - heh, yeah. like that one guy we siphoned all the gas out of his tank.. heh. what silly pranksters we are ^.^
75. gone to a late night movie - How late is late night? Like... after 12? Yes.. I suppose..
76. made love to anything not human - O____O That's going to be a definite no.
77. failed a class - several, Algebra 1 I've failed 3-4 times, still haven't passed that shit...
78.choked on something you're not supposed to eat - plastic... paper... squeaky toy... paperclip... think that's it.
79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours - I can't even play an instrument.
80.cheated on a gf/bf - Yes. But I'm over that shit, not worth it at all. :|
81. ate a whole package of oreos - napes, that'd make me sick.
82. thrown strange objects - you name it i've thrown it..
83. felt like killing someone - several times
84. thought about running away - didn't really think about it...
85.ran away - Done it. lived at the beach for a week and came home starving to death
86. did drugs - not many... more interested in selling them.
87. had detention and not attend it - yep yep
88.yelled at parents - I don't yell, they don't yell.
89.made parent cry - o.O wtf??
90.cried over someone - mhm.
91.owned more than 5 sharpies - I'm lucky to hold onto one for more than a few days, damn things go missing non-stop.
92.dated someone more than once - hell no. I never make the same mistake twice.
93.have a dog - Once. It ran away after a week, I was about 10. Before then and since, no dog.
94.have a cat - Once. It got eaten by coyotes.
95.own an instrument - Napes. Saving for a synth.
96.been in a band - once. drummer.. happy memories.
97.had more than 25 sodas in one day - No, if I did I'd probably be obese.
98.broken a cd - Once, rather recently in fact, I emptied nearly half my 90 CD case because I was rather upset over a relationship and I didn't like most of the cds anyway, so I destroyed the ones I didn't listen to, then calmly inserted them into the nearest garbage receptacle..
99.shot a gun - Yep. Killed a squirrel once with my paintball gun.
100.spent more than 5 hours on myspace? heh.. when I had one I probably did once or twice.
(thx to Sha5 for this interesting moment of self-absorption)
1.smoked a cigarette - I smoke like a chimney.
2.smoked a cigar - A few, though I must say I prefer cigarettes.
3.made out with a member of the same sex - Yes. Nothing further than that though. O_O
4.crashed a friend's car - Nope.
5.stolen a car - I've helped.
6.been in love - True, mature, lasting love? No.
7.been dumped - Not yet oddly enough.
8.shoplifted - When I need to.
9.been fired - Once.
10.been in a fist fight - Yes. I hate them and can count them on one hand, but I can honestly say I've never lost, which means something I guess.
11.snuck out of your house - don't need to anymore, but yeah...
12.had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - Yep, done with that though.
13.been arrested - Once.. don't care to repeat it.
14.made out with a stranger - Napes.
15.gone on a blind date - Napes again.
16.lied to a friend - Never have or will.
17.had a crush on a teacher - hah. umm.. not really no.
18.skipped school - plenty of times.
19.slept with a co-worker - napes.
20.seen someone die - Yep..
21.been on a plane - 4 times exactly.
22.thrown up in a bar - nah.
23.taken painkillers - if by taken you mean abused, yes. someone or miss someone right now - napes.
25.laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - During happier days.
26.made a snow angel - couple times.
27.played dress up - heh, its one of my favorite games.
28.cheated while playing a game - nah, don't see the point.
29.been lonely - sometimes...
30.fallen asleep at work/school - every day sophomore year and a few scattered days junior year. work no.
31.used a fake id - Never needed one.
32.felt an earthquake - heh.. I live in california, what do you think?
33.touched a snake - used to catch them when i was a wee one.
34.ran a red light - yeah one or two..
35.been suspended from school - several times..
36.had detention - heh, almost every day.
37.been in a car accident - napes.
38.hated the way you look - most days.
39.witnessed a crime - does participating in one count?
40.pole danced - heh, not seriously, but yeah, couple times.
41.been lost - Nah. I'm a natural fucking boy scout.
42.been to the opposite side of the country - nah, though i'm planning on it.
43.felt like dying - Truly, honestly felt like death would be better than life? No sane person thinks that..
44.cried yourself to sleep - Not within memory.
45.played cops and robbers - I'm male, so yes, i have.
46.sang karaoke - heh. once. drunk.

47.done something you told yourself you wouldn't - No. I have a decent amount of self-control.
48.laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - That's possible?
49.caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yeah.
50.kissed in the rain - Once or twice... would like to do it some more...
51.sing in the shower - Seldom. ^_-
52.made love in a park - napes. what an awkward place.
53.had a dream that you married someone - heh, no, unfortunately, most of my dreams are about killing people. i'm a psychopathic serial killer in my dreams. O.-
54. glued your hand to something - Like paper & shit? yeah. glued my hand to my side once....
55. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - Napes
56.worn the opposite sex's clothes - I own a pair of girl pance.
57.been a cheerleader - o.O
58. sat on a roof top - those are fun ^.^ esp. to watch a sunset from.
59. didn't take a shower for a week - maybe once or twice in my whole life.
60.ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - I'm used to it, so nah, plus movies aren't scary anymore.
61.played chicken - on my street. in cars. fun, but not such a good idea.
62.been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - napes.
63.been told you're hot by a complete stranger - that happens?
64.broken a bone - nah, hoping i never do, sounds mighty painful.
65.been easily amused - when drunk I'm either really giggly or extremely cynical and anti-social..
66.laugh so hard you cry - Not in a LONG time..
67.mooned/flashed someone - Yeh, when I was a younger, less wise teenager.
68.cheated on a test - No.
69.forgotten someone's name - oh jeeze... have i ever remembered someone's name?
70.slept naked - Not alone. ^.^
71.gone skinny dipping in a pool - napes, too self conscious.
72.been kicked out of your house - Yeah I have, last Sunday actually. Just got back and I'm not sure if I'm staying.
73.blacked out from drinking - Never, and I always remember everything.
74.played a prank on someone - heh, yeah. like that one guy we siphoned all the gas out of his tank.. heh. what silly pranksters we are ^.^
75. gone to a late night movie - How late is late night? Like... after 12? Yes.. I suppose..
76. made love to anything not human - O____O That's going to be a definite no.
77. failed a class - several, Algebra 1 I've failed 3-4 times, still haven't passed that shit...
78.choked on something you're not supposed to eat - plastic... paper... squeaky toy... paperclip... think that's it.
79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours - I can't even play an instrument.
80.cheated on a gf/bf - Yes. But I'm over that shit, not worth it at all. :|
81. ate a whole package of oreos - napes, that'd make me sick.
82. thrown strange objects - you name it i've thrown it..
83. felt like killing someone - several times
84. thought about running away - didn't really think about it...
85.ran away - Done it. lived at the beach for a week and came home starving to death
86. did drugs - not many... more interested in selling them.
87. had detention and not attend it - yep yep
88.yelled at parents - I don't yell, they don't yell.
89.made parent cry - o.O wtf??
90.cried over someone - mhm.
91.owned more than 5 sharpies - I'm lucky to hold onto one for more than a few days, damn things go missing non-stop.
92.dated someone more than once - hell no. I never make the same mistake twice.
93.have a dog - Once. It ran away after a week, I was about 10. Before then and since, no dog.
94.have a cat - Once. It got eaten by coyotes.
95.own an instrument - Napes. Saving for a synth.
96.been in a band - once. drummer.. happy memories.
97.had more than 25 sodas in one day - No, if I did I'd probably be obese.
98.broken a cd - Once, rather recently in fact, I emptied nearly half my 90 CD case because I was rather upset over a relationship and I didn't like most of the cds anyway, so I destroyed the ones I didn't listen to, then calmly inserted them into the nearest garbage receptacle..
99.shot a gun - Yep. Killed a squirrel once with my paintball gun.
100.spent more than 5 hours on myspace? heh.. when I had one I probably did once or twice.
(thx to Sha5 for this interesting moment of self-absorption)