Ops Log Edit 2:
Currently in a post-drunk//painkiller stage after hanging with Daniel, Jesus, Kattrina, Matt and Angel @ t3h Matt'z pad. Surprisingly fun, though illicit substance pervaded, and the cops showed up around 1:30 asking about a 911 call none of us made, so that was interesting, trying to find my way to the door, trying to stand straight in front of the cops, remembering my age within a reasonable time period. *sigh* Why must So Co taste so very lovely?
NeeWays, so today has been filled with coughing sickness (which I believe the alchohol cured) and trying to be helpful about the house (need to weedwhack tomorrow) etc etc. On my last pack of cigarettes, oh how I do look forward to that morning coffee and smoke. One of the finer things in life I must admit, albeit extraordinarily unhealthy. Mrrh. Talked to Ashlee some today... fuck. That's always fucked up, that whole want-but-can't-have thing is a bitch. :-/ So yeah... life etc. etc. Picked up a book which will hopefully be god. "Dance Recover Repeat" by Alasdair Duncan. A book about gay boys. Gotta love 'em.
Good morning.
Currently in a post-drunk//painkiller stage after hanging with Daniel, Jesus, Kattrina, Matt and Angel @ t3h Matt'z pad. Surprisingly fun, though illicit substance pervaded, and the cops showed up around 1:30 asking about a 911 call none of us made, so that was interesting, trying to find my way to the door, trying to stand straight in front of the cops, remembering my age within a reasonable time period. *sigh* Why must So Co taste so very lovely?