It's hotter than a fucking firecracker today... And tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter. A wonderful day to work on your tan... that is if you're not stuck inside at work.
So I'm planning on going back to school this fall. I want to take clothing design. Someday I hope to start my own lingerie company. I've always had a really hard time finding something I like that actually fits well.
Other than that not much happening lately... I've been hanging out at the bar a lot more. My husband is bar backing at our neighborhood pub now. It's nice that they let me just hang out and do my thing... I'm glad they don't make me have a drink in my hand all the time. The last thing I want is to be known as the bartender's wife that you only see completely plowed.
I could think of worse things to do, hey thats a hottt shot of you babe..any word on your set...gorgeous..

lovely pictures!!!!! i m sure you re responsible for the high attendence at the bar!!!