Thank you to everyone that has voted for me in the KISW Rock Girl Contest... If you haven't already please do... It's worth checking out at least for a laugh. Anyway I'm on the list as Kayla C. Voting ends on Friday night... Rock Girl Contest Other than that nothing new to report... Thanks again everybody!

UPDATE: so I haven't ever really mentioned my view on this contest yet have I... Well I totally agree that this contest is purely a publicity stunt... the only reason I entered was because one of the djs said they were trying to get diffrent girls this year... I hope they are trying to go past the world peace and save the children girls they had last year... really go check out the rock girl area it's hulariously bad!
Edit: Thanks upmixed... personally I can't stand that picture... But at least all of the photos were bad... makes me feel like it was less my fault for being nervous... it looked like a 6 point camera with bad lighting... They had to do it infront of the station banners... where the lighting was the worst in the room. oh well ...

UPDATE: so I haven't ever really mentioned my view on this contest yet have I... Well I totally agree that this contest is purely a publicity stunt... the only reason I entered was because one of the djs said they were trying to get diffrent girls this year... I hope they are trying to go past the world peace and save the children girls they had last year... really go check out the rock girl area it's hulariously bad!
Edit: Thanks upmixed... personally I can't stand that picture... But at least all of the photos were bad... makes me feel like it was less my fault for being nervous... it looked like a 6 point camera with bad lighting... They had to do it infront of the station banners... where the lighting was the worst in the room. oh well ...
Every girl looks just like the next until you come along, and BANG. By far the most beautiful of the bunch