My ribs turned out awesome.... as good as you can get out of the oven. Thankfully there was enough leftover for me take some home with me. Anyway it's Sunday so not much to do besides veg. I think I'm going to make a pot of chicken soup today. Nothing like a bowl of homemade soup on a shitty gray day. Don't get me wrong I love this city but the gray half of the year really gets to me. I'm short so I spend 6 months of the year with wet pant legs... drives me nuts. Anywho I should get going I need to go to the store before I start my soup.
when i lived in indianapolis, i considered buying hip waders whaen i was takeing the bus to work. winter sucks.
ran across your blog and felt compelled to comment on the wet pant legs. that is the one and only reason i fell prey to the skinny jean trend, i'm short too and i can cuff those and tuck them in my boots w/o looking stupid, otherwise i go thru 3 prs of jeans a day in the winter just trying to stay dry and warm.