I have been writing some new shit on my guitar. I have ALL my pedals now. I'm going nuts. I can make some of the craziest shit i have ever heard. all these weird noises an space-like sounds. I CAN MAKE MY GUITAR SOUND LIKE A LASER GUN! haha. I love my delay. Put a Whammy in front of my and my Delay, and I'll be happy forever. I'm going to keep writing, we go back in the studio tomorrow, for another recording session. Almost done recording all the foundation of the tracks. Its fun. OK. Thats all...umm. I'm feeling perfect again, no stress or being upset. NOw thinking back, I dont even remember entirely what i was upset about. So thats about it, I'm pretty fucking happy actually. Mostly to a bunch of you. You know who you are, so Thanks

I just ran out of food for my rats
oh no...tomorrow is far. I need like a 24 hour pet food store. That would be good.

Uhoh! We wouldn't want the rats to go hungry!!