Is anyone really good with Photoshop here? Want to make me a logo for my band? 83 Floating Cubes. I'll give you a big hug if you do. Also, I think my other band is ending. Since the guitar player broke his arm we all grew apart. It's weird to think about considering its only been like a month, but whatever. I'm still going to be incorporating the grind element of my old band into my new one. But the new one (83) is still mainly noise orientated. It should be cool to see what kind of sounds I can come up with. Also if anyone wants to play bass let me know.
More Blogs
Friday Oct 08, 2010
It's my birthday today. 26. Let's get messy. -
Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
So it's been awhile, but here I am again. Got my knuckles done awhile… -
Saturday Aug 21, 2010
Oh god I'm hung the fuck over. Don't ever go shot for shot with a 26e… -
Wednesday Aug 18, 2010
Got another tattoo sitting tomorrow. Should be fun. My buddy's dog, K… -
Saturday Aug 14, 2010
Been going through and cleaning out my computer. Mainly old games I d… -
Thursday Aug 12, 2010
Well I've got another sitting for my sleeve saturday night. Hopefully… -
Wednesday Aug 11, 2010
I'm back, again. Someone out there got me a redeem code for 3 months.… -
Sunday May 03, 2009
For you old-school Audio freaks. I got a "brand new" Sony TC-366 reel… -
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
For the nerds out there. Just installed the new(ish) Release Candi… -
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
Went out with my brother last night. It was a lot of fun. Spent way t…