Ok, so...x-mas. well I wasn't expecting much, and I wasn't disapointed. I asked for a delay pedal, but I didn't get it. I got a different one. Which turned out to be a better pedal so yay!. I got the usual things, socks boxers, gift certificates, a fucking WAD of cash. that kinda crap.
how was all your holidays?
Yesterday? I think it was yesterday....it may have been the day before, i was hanging out with my long-time friend and ex-girlfriend holly. we went for sushi and bought some books and hung out. it was fun.
I made the logo for my band : D and I named it. We are called 83 Floating Cubes. I don't remember how I came up with it. So look in my picture section for the logo. Its still a work in progress, but you will get the idea.
Also. the biggest news. I don't know if any of you even care or whatever, but in a few months I'm moving to Japan to teach english
Me and Holly have been thinking about it for awhile now, and we decided to do it. So we applied and we got accepted, we are just waiting on our passports and visa's and shit. We are gonna work here in canadia for another month or 2 to get some more fundage then we are off. GO DUAL CITIZENSHIP!! So I will be gone for a minimum of a year. I'm sure that will make some of you happy.
So yeah. Thats it. I'll talk to you later. bye
how was all your holidays?
Yesterday? I think it was yesterday....it may have been the day before, i was hanging out with my long-time friend and ex-girlfriend holly. we went for sushi and bought some books and hung out. it was fun.
I made the logo for my band : D and I named it. We are called 83 Floating Cubes. I don't remember how I came up with it. So look in my picture section for the logo. Its still a work in progress, but you will get the idea.
Also. the biggest news. I don't know if any of you even care or whatever, but in a few months I'm moving to Japan to teach english

So yeah. Thats it. I'll talk to you later. bye
Which agency are you going to be teaching for?
Anyway i'm sure you'll have an awesome time. One day I'd like to do it.