Wow, it's been awhile. Oh well. I'm still here kinda. I fainted yesterday for some reason, and woke up bleeding pretty badly from my head. it was pretty awesome. Tekky was kind of worried so I made sure it wasn't like a giant gash or anything. It turns out it was just a little cut. What a pussy eh? Whatever. I have been playing my guitar like a mad man recently. And drinking. I still drink. Heavily. Often. My band has done a bunch of shows since my last post. That was fun. My buddy Coleman tore open his face and had to get 14 stitches. That was a good show. Bloodshed = great set. Anyways. My main point for this post is to let everyone in on my "secret" band. MELT BANANA. If you don't know who they are, they can only be described as Japanese Noise-Core, and download single thing you can get by them Ok? Ok! My favorite song is "shield for your eyes a beast in the well on your hand" so if you don't really want to dive in and download everything by them, just get that one song and see if you like them. There is no "they are ok, I guess" kind of thing. You will either love them or hate them.Jjust try to keep an open mind when listening to them. They take a few songs to get used to, but once you do get used to them, your hooked. Wow this entry is turning out to be a giant promotion for them. LoL anyways. I'm alive and mostly well. I'll see whoever shows up tonight at karaoke. w00t.
haha awe thanks
*blushy face*

hey stupid, update.