Im so jelous of my parents generation. The post war generation. They hit sexual maturity through the 60's and the government said to them:
"Well what do you want now"? and they responded with" How about the pill"? "Sure, here you go. So, er, what else is going on?" "How about some music"?... "Fine, heres the Beatles, the Stones are coming in later, theres the Velvet Underground, The Kinks have just gone to lunch so if you want something to do between now and then I suggest you grow your hair and fornicate"... "If things get slow you can always paint your houses brown and orange and discover the avocado"?
But now, through my generation and growing up throught the 80's and 90' we'ld hit sexual maturity and we're thinking "Ok, whats going on now, what happening..?" ...."DONT FUCK ANYBODY OR YOU DIE!...Nevermind, here comes Mc Hammer"! Not exactly a fare deal ill think you'll agree.
...Mc Hammer, theres another boat that left me on the fuckin island. "Jay you coming aboard"? ..."Nah ill think Ill stay here and eat my own flesh". I wander what he's doing now...? Proberly trying to get his soul back from Satan most likely.
"I am Satan. I give away 15 minute careers... Send in Vanilla Ice"! "Hello Vanilla. Says here on your application you have no tallent and you want a career in showbuisness?... Ha ha ha. 'zip' "Suck my cock..." And that was all we ever really got. Thoughtless, souless, tallentless, suckers of Satans cock, each and everyone of them.
I think one of the only things we didnt get a too bad a deal on was movies. We had some good shit, ET, to Jurassic Park, to The Matrix. Its not been too bad so far. The only think that worries me though is that they wont be able to keep it up.
How could they possibly improve on the amazing special effects? Well dont worry, I have an idea... Termanally ill people... Now bear with me on this one. If they used termanlly ill people as stunt men you couldnt get any closer to realistic could you!? Ok, to some of you this perhaps sounds a little cruel maybe. But you know what I think cruel is, leaving your loved ones to die in a sterile hostpital suround by strangers. Fuck that! Put em' in the movies. What? Come on, do you want your Grandmother dying like a little bird in a cage, in some white hospital room, stuck in bed, pipes coming out of her, being pumped full of drugs...or do you want her to meet Jackie Chan?
"Hey, Mr Tarantino. Why is my nan dressed as a mugger"? "Shut up and get off set! Ok, Action!... Push her towards Jackie." .....*thud*..... "Wow, did you see that? He kicked her head clean off her body!"
...Ok, maybe not the most popular theory ever brainstormed. But films are getting duller and duller each year and people are dying all the time... You do the math.
"Well what do you want now"? and they responded with" How about the pill"? "Sure, here you go. So, er, what else is going on?" "How about some music"?... "Fine, heres the Beatles, the Stones are coming in later, theres the Velvet Underground, The Kinks have just gone to lunch so if you want something to do between now and then I suggest you grow your hair and fornicate"... "If things get slow you can always paint your houses brown and orange and discover the avocado"?
But now, through my generation and growing up throught the 80's and 90' we'ld hit sexual maturity and we're thinking "Ok, whats going on now, what happening..?" ...."DONT FUCK ANYBODY OR YOU DIE!...Nevermind, here comes Mc Hammer"! Not exactly a fare deal ill think you'll agree.

"I am Satan. I give away 15 minute careers... Send in Vanilla Ice"! "Hello Vanilla. Says here on your application you have no tallent and you want a career in showbuisness?... Ha ha ha. 'zip' "Suck my cock..." And that was all we ever really got. Thoughtless, souless, tallentless, suckers of Satans cock, each and everyone of them.
I think one of the only things we didnt get a too bad a deal on was movies. We had some good shit, ET, to Jurassic Park, to The Matrix. Its not been too bad so far. The only think that worries me though is that they wont be able to keep it up.

"Hey, Mr Tarantino. Why is my nan dressed as a mugger"? "Shut up and get off set! Ok, Action!... Push her towards Jackie." .....*thud*..... "Wow, did you see that? He kicked her head clean off her body!"

...Ok, maybe not the most popular theory ever brainstormed. But films are getting duller and duller each year and people are dying all the time... You do the math.
British Rail suck monkey balls. I am out tonight, but i'm going down to Bristol. I'll be out in Brum sometime soon tho, so we should catch up. I'll try and be in a more talkative mood than last time - promise x
I love reading your journals! Let me know if you'll be in town at the beginninng of Feb. and I'll come see you.