Firstly, big thank you to anyone and everyone who's tried to cheer me up and make me feel better over the last couple of weeks. You know who you are, and its very much apprechiated. Im still at a killer low and constantly feeling like im being kicked while im down
But thank you anyway
I wish I could say ive been really, really busy, but I havent to be honest
Ive not been at work too much, due to feeling like shit and having to use up whats left of my holiday time... Which I now have nothing to fill it with, so Its kinda exassibated everything
But as I have a load of time to use up before the end of this year im gonna end up being free alot.
Plus, if anyone feels like coming with me to Prague towards the end of November it would nice. I booked time off and two tickets a few weeks ago as a supprise for someones birthday, but, well... *shitness* now im on my own
Im still not 100% sure if I really feel like going but get in touch if you want the details.
Ive not slept in days, I feel like im going mad again. Just completely loosing a grip on everything. Its a horrible feeling, because you can see it happening but cant do anything about it. Then its like a snowball effect until something cataclysmic happens to grind it to a hault
Im so tired and confused but cant concentrate at all so it feels like Im pulling up the floor boards in my mind.
My mom's just come up to show me something funny...

God knows how she spotted that, but nether the less, god bless 'Coronation Street'
By the way, as of Sunday, 'The Skull' are no more. Personal differences, arguments and egos have taken their toll... Well, you know how the story goes...
In other news; My new hero is Sir Digby Chicken Ceasar!...

Oh, before I forget; If anyone out there lives in Philly, or near West Chester let me know. Im coming over for a wedding in a couple of weeks and Ill have a day to kill before I fly home due to me being stupid and not planning dates properly
I cant promise Ill be completely legibile and sober... But Ild still like that company
Kind of a bum note now...
When I come back Ill be either letting my account expire or cancelling it.
Its really hard for me to be on here now and Im really struggling to cope with stuff as it is
I wish things could be different, but I doubt they'll change.

Addition #1: More supprising adventures from my hero Sir Digby Chicken Ceasar!...

I wish I could say ive been really, really busy, but I havent to be honest

Plus, if anyone feels like coming with me to Prague towards the end of November it would nice. I booked time off and two tickets a few weeks ago as a supprise for someones birthday, but, well... *shitness* now im on my own

Ive not slept in days, I feel like im going mad again. Just completely loosing a grip on everything. Its a horrible feeling, because you can see it happening but cant do anything about it. Then its like a snowball effect until something cataclysmic happens to grind it to a hault

My mom's just come up to show me something funny...

God knows how she spotted that, but nether the less, god bless 'Coronation Street'

By the way, as of Sunday, 'The Skull' are no more. Personal differences, arguments and egos have taken their toll... Well, you know how the story goes...

In other news; My new hero is Sir Digby Chicken Ceasar!...

Oh, before I forget; If anyone out there lives in Philly, or near West Chester let me know. Im coming over for a wedding in a couple of weeks and Ill have a day to kill before I fly home due to me being stupid and not planning dates properly

I cant promise Ill be completely legibile and sober... But Ild still like that company

Kind of a bum note now...

When I come back Ill be either letting my account expire or cancelling it.
Its really hard for me to be on here now and Im really struggling to cope with stuff as it is

Addition #1: More supprising adventures from my hero Sir Digby Chicken Ceasar!...
altons towers was pretty rocking cheers mate...i totally reccomend air...its like one of the most amazing feelings in the world i swear....nemesis is still a goody though...i was coming down kinda hard too but the rides just pumped me with adreneline so it was a bit up and down all day ahaha...
(*goes back to working ihis 13 hour shift
now gotta get some shut eye before i goto londinium!!!
laters dude!!!