Ok, well thank you to everyone who spoke so nicely about my pictures in my last journal. Special mention goes out to Klair, who's 'services' I shall be engaging in soon. And all for the discount bargin price of 4.64, which Im sure you'll agree is cracking deal!
Oooooooooooooh, she's gonna kill me for that.
Anyway, yeah the pictures, number 2 won, so voila! New profile pic. So any complaints, please direct them to my comment box below
*sign* Im so bored!
Im sitting on my bed drinking rum and watching Apocalypse Now Redux, oooooh its a classic. I havent watched it in ages, I totally forgot how cool Robert Duvall's character was! For anyone who hasnt seen it, he's currently standing bolt upright in the middle of the shore talking about surfing the breaks as everyones diving for cover and dodging morters and bullets... Ace!
I feel like watching a shit load of war films right now and I have no idea why. I think it mite be because my brother's just sat his history exam so all Ive been hearing about for the past couple of weeks is the Cold War, Kennedy assasination and Vietnam. So in my own 'helpful' little way I made him listen to all my Bill Hicks cds, watch "Platoon" and "Full Metal Jacket" and gave him fandom fact after fact. Well, Im no good at maths or Geography.
Other than vodka, caviar and suicidal novelists do you know what the greatest and most profitable export from the vast, former Soviet Union is? The Avtomat Kalashnikova, model of 1947.
Most commonly known as the AK-47 or Kalashnikov.
It's the worlds most popular assault rifle, a wepon all fighters know and love. An elegantly simple 9lbs amalgamation of forged steel and wood. It doesnt break, jam or overheat. It can be found in deserts, jungles and on the streets of LA. It will shoot whether its covered in mud or filled with sand. Its so easy, even a child can use it, and they do.
The soviets put the gun on a coin, Mozambique put it on their flag.
"Only the dead have seen an end to war." -Plato
you make my pussy drip like a hannukah candle.