When you're recording all day this happens...
I can bearly walk as my ankles feel like they're gonna snap any moment and I mite have broken a couple of fingers.
Still, I got many a drum loop recorded, aswell as a few new demos and covers of At The Drive-In's 'One Armed Scissor' and Refused's 'New Noise', where I wrecked my voice in the process.
Still, not a bad day all in all.
Here's a few sustained injuries...
I need to lie down...
Addition: Bit of a surreal moment today, funny, but kinda weird.
Stuck in traffic in this morning, as usual I had music blaring and the windows down trying to wake myself up a little. So im sitting there singing along to 'The View From The Afternoon' by The Arctic Monkeys, I would be playing air drums but I only had one drum stick (pen) in the car. Anyway, its half way through the song and a car pulls up next to mine. After a few seconds I glance over and the guy's singing along too, we acknowlage each other and nod.
As you do.
Then a few seconds later, as the lights change we both happen to turn to each other and shout the same line; "...the band were fuckin' wank and im not having a nice time!"
Yeah, we shared a moment.
...A moment that, by the way, couldnt be repeated with Wu Tang Clan's 'Wu Tang Clan Aint Nuttin' To Fuck With' and an old couple in a Skoda.
Anyway, I tried. I made the effort, so bollocks to em' if they wanna be anti-social!
I shall now leave you with some newly aquired wisdom...
Dont attempt to drive at 90mph and play air guitar to 'Angel Of Death' by Slayer. People will beep and curse at you as you swerve across lanes.

I can bearly walk as my ankles feel like they're gonna snap any moment and I mite have broken a couple of fingers.

Still, I got many a drum loop recorded, aswell as a few new demos and covers of At The Drive-In's 'One Armed Scissor' and Refused's 'New Noise', where I wrecked my voice in the process.
Still, not a bad day all in all.
Here's a few sustained injuries...

I need to lie down...
Addition: Bit of a surreal moment today, funny, but kinda weird.
Stuck in traffic in this morning, as usual I had music blaring and the windows down trying to wake myself up a little. So im sitting there singing along to 'The View From The Afternoon' by The Arctic Monkeys, I would be playing air drums but I only had one drum stick (pen) in the car. Anyway, its half way through the song and a car pulls up next to mine. After a few seconds I glance over and the guy's singing along too, we acknowlage each other and nod.
As you do.
Then a few seconds later, as the lights change we both happen to turn to each other and shout the same line; "...the band were fuckin' wank and im not having a nice time!"

Yeah, we shared a moment.

...A moment that, by the way, couldnt be repeated with Wu Tang Clan's 'Wu Tang Clan Aint Nuttin' To Fuck With' and an old couple in a Skoda.

Anyway, I tried. I made the effort, so bollocks to em' if they wanna be anti-social!
I shall now leave you with some newly aquired wisdom...
Dont attempt to drive at 90mph and play air guitar to 'Angel Of Death' by Slayer. People will beep and curse at you as you swerve across lanes.
[Edited on Apr 26, 2006 7:21PM]