Well it's another rainy day outside. Weather doesn't matter though, I'm still incredibley happy. Anyway I like rainy weather anyway, especially when it's thundering and lightening. I guess I'm kind of like a big kid in that way. Things are going very good for me. I'm getting alot of my bills cleared up finally anfter almost a year of not paying them and being strung out. I've been totally clean for almost two months now and semi clean for almost four months because of a few slip ups that I had. I still drink but I don't even do that too much anymore which makes me feel very good about myself. I have my own checking AND savings account now!!!! I haven't had a savings account since I've been a little kid! It feels good to have those things again and actually putting money in them and not touching it. I have been putting in 40 hours a week at work so that has been good money although I only make $2.13 an hour since I'm a waiter but I make excellent tips so I usually end up with about $80-$140 a day depending on whether I work a double or not which I usually do 4 out of seven days a week. Things are going excellent with my girlfriend Joelle. We have so much fun together even if it's just lying on the couch and watching movies. The simplest things with her are still so much fun. Just holding her and feeling her close to me and knowing that she loves me and that I love her is such and incredibley soothing and warm feeling that nothing I know of comes even close to beating it. I want to be with her forever and always feel this way and I have this great feeling like that is going to happen as long as I keep on doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Okay gonna get going now, gotta get ready for work. Later people.
sounds like life is lookin' up. keep doin what your doin and dont touch your savings account
sounds like a plan...you've really been there? i'm friends with 1/2 the staff...i'm glad shit is lookin up for u