Wednesday Apr 27, 2005 Apr 27, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I hate school, but it's almost over. Nothing really exciting has happend since the last update. I did great on all of midterms this week and last week, but now I have to study for finals. Why do proffesor make finals 35% of your grade? sigh jonnytrrrash7: good luck with the last stretch of school!! then it's time for some mac tutorials for me!! Apr 27, 2005 smashedpumpkin: call that an update? well....i suppose it's better than creepy down there. i bet my old roommate is having avs withdrawls as well...she was a "super fan". taking some more japanese this summer? Apr 27, 2005
then it's time for some mac tutorials for me!!
i bet my old roommate is having avs withdrawls as well...she was a "super fan".
taking some more japanese this summer?