Guess what blew up!

My car........ go figure
In a town called Gypsum.
Its umm quaint?
I got kicked out of the (yes the only) resterant and a gas station.
Even after I bought something.
They are pretty high and mighty for a town of 5k
I spent 10 hours too much there.
Edit to add:
Dug these up, from my first set attempt in 05

My car........ go figure
In a town called Gypsum.
Its umm quaint?
I got kicked out of the (yes the only) resterant and a gas station.
Even after I bought something.
They are pretty high and mighty for a town of 5k
I spent 10 hours too much there.
Edit to add:
Dug these up, from my first set attempt in 05

you however.... yeah.
you know it though. -laugh-