I have been blindsided
Main Entry: blindside
Pronunciation: 'blIn(d)-"sId
Function: transitive verb
1 : to hit unexpectedly from or as if from the blind side <blindside the quarterback>
2 : to surprise unpleasantly
---------------------------------- in other news ----------------------------------------------------------
Went to Grand Junction this weekend
I drove my car
I played with a gun
I rode a bike
I was suprised I was caught with a can of spray paint in my car
I have been blindsided
Main Entry: blindside
Pronunciation: 'blIn(d)-"sId
Function: transitive verb
1 : to hit unexpectedly from or as if from the blind side <blindside the quarterback>
2 : to surprise unpleasantly
---------------------------------- in other news ----------------------------------------------------------
Went to Grand Junction this weekend
I drove my car
I played with a gun
I rode a bike
I was suprised I was caught with a can of spray paint in my car

but whatever.
and how would you know? i mean, i had pants on the entire time.