This is probably going to be one of the more random and dull blogs that I post, but here it goes. We live in a small apartment and have a really small kitchen. In reality it's larger than the one in our first apartment, I'm convinced that the one there had been converted from a broom closet, but it is still quite cramped. Traditionally it's been rather difficult to work in and it was hard to find certain things when I needed them. To boot many of the things from our kitchen have been sitting for over a year and a half in our storage unit and we've not had a place to put them here. As you may have surmised by some of my posts, I really like to cook, and this room has been driving me crazy.
Well, I've had some time off, and over the past two days I've completely reorganized and cleaned our kitchen. I suppose this would be more impressive If I posted before pictures but In my cleaning fervor I didn't think of that. The best investment that Ive made while doing this is the purchase of a step stool. Before that we were never able to fully get to the top shelves in our cabinets, without climbing on the counter, and getting anything in the back of the cabinets was right out. Now everything is easily accessible.
Although she thinks that I've gone slightly crazy about this, it's really my wife's fault. She put Julie & Julia on our Netflix queue, and after watching it and seeing the special feature about Julia Child's kitchen I decided to do something. So really if you look at it I had no choice. I couldn't help it. Could I?

Well, I've had some time off, and over the past two days I've completely reorganized and cleaned our kitchen. I suppose this would be more impressive If I posted before pictures but In my cleaning fervor I didn't think of that. The best investment that Ive made while doing this is the purchase of a step stool. Before that we were never able to fully get to the top shelves in our cabinets, without climbing on the counter, and getting anything in the back of the cabinets was right out. Now everything is easily accessible.
Although she thinks that I've gone slightly crazy about this, it's really my wife's fault. She put Julie & Julia on our Netflix queue, and after watching it and seeing the special feature about Julia Child's kitchen I decided to do something. So really if you look at it I had no choice. I couldn't help it. Could I?

I dunno.