So today was a pretty eventful day for me. A little background before I begin my tale: A few weeks ago, my parents and I cleaned out a storage unit that we've been having for over 10yrs. I had an idea of what I would find in there, but was pleasantly surprised about all the long lost treasures I found. The 3 best treasures I uncovered were: my complete collection of classic disney vhs tapes (and I do mean all of them, even the black cauldron
), my complete set of beast wars action figures (SOOOO stoked about this find), and lastly a gold mickey mouse pocket watch that my mom got me when I was younger (pics to follow, when I have some good natural light to shoot with). Today's adventure mostly pertains to the pocket watch.
Lately, Ive been thinking that I need to breathe some new life into my wardrobe somehow. I am mostly a band shirt and jeans kind of guy and I like it that way but lately Ive been trying think of something I could add as a nice new flare. I recently bought a black corduroy fedora, which is an awesome touch but I have been brainstorming other ways to revamp as well. I had sort of given up on the idea, until I found my old pocket watch. Then I had a light bulb. What if I start wearing my pocket watch instead of my normal wristwatch? THEN I had another idea! What if I got a black vest as well? I could wear the vest over my band shirts with my fedora then I could clip my pocket watch to the vest and keep it in one of the front pockets, old school style. So today, I went on a mission to find a cool vest and also to get a new battery for my pocket watch.
Instead of making this a solo mission, I decided to bring my best friend Sable along for the ride. Shes always good for a few laughs, along with the ever-useful female perspective. I had this idea that I would really like to get my vest from a thrift shop, so that's where we went first. Our first stop was the Buffalo Exchange on 2nd street in long beach. They had a few vests there, but none of them were quite like what I was looking for. After browsing for a bit, we decided to bail to jamba juice for smoothies. I fucking LOVE jamba juice, just FYI. Anyhow after that, we decided to head to macy's in manhattan beach. My grandma works there and she was telling me earlier that they had some cool vests on sale. She said she would let me use her discount if I found one I liked so we decided to check it out. Also, my mom was at grandma's house nearby and needed me to pick her up, so it worked out. So I picked up my mom and she, sable, and I went to macy's to continue the search for a vest. My grandma ended up being right; there were a lot of vests on sale, which made the selection process pretty tough. I eventually narrowed it down to three, of course the one I liked most wasnt on sale and cost $80! Obviously, I had to rule that one out. But luckily my other 2 favs were only about $12 a piece and even less with my grandma's discount. So since my grandma wasnt working today, I had them put on hold until she comes in tomorrow, then I can go pick them up. After we put the vests on hold, we went to the watch shop. This particular watch shop is awesome because its family owned. The owner comes from a long line of watchmakers and he is really good at what he does. I dont know what it is, but there is something about those old school trades like watch making, clock making, cobblers, and hat makers that has always fascinated me. Maybe its because they are so old world. There was a time when those kinds of trades were seriously in demand and very popular. But nowadays, real tradesmen like that are few and far between. That's unfortunate, because they really are unique.
But anyway, back to my day. So we had about 20mins to kill while the watchmaker worked his magic. My mom and sable went into a shoe store and I decided to go to the apple store to go drool over the new imacs and also to scope out a new case for my iphone. I dont know if I mentioned this before, but I am a huge nerd and I LOOOVE macs. I think it would be the coolest job in the world to work for apple. I already have half of my friends and family using macs upon my encouragement. The way I see it, Im already doing the job, just not getting paid for it xD. So I drooled over the new 27in imac for a while and took mental note of the iphone case that I wanted, then bailed to see what the ladies were up too. They were both still in the shoe store (typical lol) so I just took a seat on one of those couches that they have in malls for husbands/bf's to sit on while their significant others shop til they drop. After a while, Sable came to join me on the couch while my mom went to the women's side of macy's, which I knew was a bad idea. A bad idea because my mom LOVES to shop and has been known to stick around in macys for hours and hours. I was content to let her indulge for a while until my phone chimed at me. I looked down at it and saw, to my horror that a sharks hockey game was about to start! I was shocked because although I knew there was a game on tonight, it was on way earlier than I expected. It was at that point that I beelined it into macy's to find my mom and try to herd her out of there as quickly as possible. Luckily, she wasnt hard to find, she didnt even get past the makeup section. I then tried to herd her in the direction of the watch shop so that we could get our shit and bail. SO we picked up the watch, and made our way out of macy's. On the way out we were all brainstorming what we should get to eat on the way home. Chipotle won in a 2-1 vote, me being the 1. While I normally enjoy chipotle, I had a terrible experience there earlier in the week (long story) so I wasnt keen on going again. But I was beaten fair and square and in an effort to get home quicker, I obliged. SO we got our food then had to take the streets home because it was rush hr traffic time. I dropped sable off and finally got home around 7pm. It was 5pm when I got the message that the game was starting xD. So needless to say, I missed 2/3 of it. On top of that, the website I usually watch the game on, wasnt working today! So I ended rushing home for nothing pretty much! Balls I say!. One of my friends who is also a sharks fan finally ended up finding a different site to watch the game but the quality was so shitty that it wasnt even worth watching. The good thing is that the sharks won their game, the bad things was that I got to watch maybe 10mins of it. Ah well, theres always Saturdays game I suppose.
So that was my day today. Holy shit, I typed way more than I thought I would. Oh well! That's what this is for right? Random, bored ramblings? Right? :x

Lately, Ive been thinking that I need to breathe some new life into my wardrobe somehow. I am mostly a band shirt and jeans kind of guy and I like it that way but lately Ive been trying think of something I could add as a nice new flare. I recently bought a black corduroy fedora, which is an awesome touch but I have been brainstorming other ways to revamp as well. I had sort of given up on the idea, until I found my old pocket watch. Then I had a light bulb. What if I start wearing my pocket watch instead of my normal wristwatch? THEN I had another idea! What if I got a black vest as well? I could wear the vest over my band shirts with my fedora then I could clip my pocket watch to the vest and keep it in one of the front pockets, old school style. So today, I went on a mission to find a cool vest and also to get a new battery for my pocket watch.
Instead of making this a solo mission, I decided to bring my best friend Sable along for the ride. Shes always good for a few laughs, along with the ever-useful female perspective. I had this idea that I would really like to get my vest from a thrift shop, so that's where we went first. Our first stop was the Buffalo Exchange on 2nd street in long beach. They had a few vests there, but none of them were quite like what I was looking for. After browsing for a bit, we decided to bail to jamba juice for smoothies. I fucking LOVE jamba juice, just FYI. Anyhow after that, we decided to head to macy's in manhattan beach. My grandma works there and she was telling me earlier that they had some cool vests on sale. She said she would let me use her discount if I found one I liked so we decided to check it out. Also, my mom was at grandma's house nearby and needed me to pick her up, so it worked out. So I picked up my mom and she, sable, and I went to macy's to continue the search for a vest. My grandma ended up being right; there were a lot of vests on sale, which made the selection process pretty tough. I eventually narrowed it down to three, of course the one I liked most wasnt on sale and cost $80! Obviously, I had to rule that one out. But luckily my other 2 favs were only about $12 a piece and even less with my grandma's discount. So since my grandma wasnt working today, I had them put on hold until she comes in tomorrow, then I can go pick them up. After we put the vests on hold, we went to the watch shop. This particular watch shop is awesome because its family owned. The owner comes from a long line of watchmakers and he is really good at what he does. I dont know what it is, but there is something about those old school trades like watch making, clock making, cobblers, and hat makers that has always fascinated me. Maybe its because they are so old world. There was a time when those kinds of trades were seriously in demand and very popular. But nowadays, real tradesmen like that are few and far between. That's unfortunate, because they really are unique.
But anyway, back to my day. So we had about 20mins to kill while the watchmaker worked his magic. My mom and sable went into a shoe store and I decided to go to the apple store to go drool over the new imacs and also to scope out a new case for my iphone. I dont know if I mentioned this before, but I am a huge nerd and I LOOOVE macs. I think it would be the coolest job in the world to work for apple. I already have half of my friends and family using macs upon my encouragement. The way I see it, Im already doing the job, just not getting paid for it xD. So I drooled over the new 27in imac for a while and took mental note of the iphone case that I wanted, then bailed to see what the ladies were up too. They were both still in the shoe store (typical lol) so I just took a seat on one of those couches that they have in malls for husbands/bf's to sit on while their significant others shop til they drop. After a while, Sable came to join me on the couch while my mom went to the women's side of macy's, which I knew was a bad idea. A bad idea because my mom LOVES to shop and has been known to stick around in macys for hours and hours. I was content to let her indulge for a while until my phone chimed at me. I looked down at it and saw, to my horror that a sharks hockey game was about to start! I was shocked because although I knew there was a game on tonight, it was on way earlier than I expected. It was at that point that I beelined it into macy's to find my mom and try to herd her out of there as quickly as possible. Luckily, she wasnt hard to find, she didnt even get past the makeup section. I then tried to herd her in the direction of the watch shop so that we could get our shit and bail. SO we picked up the watch, and made our way out of macy's. On the way out we were all brainstorming what we should get to eat on the way home. Chipotle won in a 2-1 vote, me being the 1. While I normally enjoy chipotle, I had a terrible experience there earlier in the week (long story) so I wasnt keen on going again. But I was beaten fair and square and in an effort to get home quicker, I obliged. SO we got our food then had to take the streets home because it was rush hr traffic time. I dropped sable off and finally got home around 7pm. It was 5pm when I got the message that the game was starting xD. So needless to say, I missed 2/3 of it. On top of that, the website I usually watch the game on, wasnt working today! So I ended rushing home for nothing pretty much! Balls I say!. One of my friends who is also a sharks fan finally ended up finding a different site to watch the game but the quality was so shitty that it wasnt even worth watching. The good thing is that the sharks won their game, the bad things was that I got to watch maybe 10mins of it. Ah well, theres always Saturdays game I suppose.
So that was my day today. Holy shit, I typed way more than I thought I would. Oh well! That's what this is for right? Random, bored ramblings? Right? :x
HOLY SHIT. last episode of seeason 5 weeds. love it.
Just gotta say, I had that vest idea. Its indeed a wardrobe staple.