While I'm temporarily stuck here, I'd like to say something.
Fuck Peta. Seriously. I'm so fucking sick of all these Peta-happy nutjobs. Yeah, I'm against hurting animals, but as I read a list of companies and products tested on animals, I find that I have half, if not more, of these products stocked in my apartment. I see posters on billboards of depressed puppies saying, "Why would you do that to me," with peta endorsements all the time. I look at my dog as I type this, and I know she doesn't give a fuck that I use Infusium 23 on my hair. Or that my hair dye is tested on animals. Granted, she is playing the ignorant role here, but even still. It's one thing to be opposed to animal cruelty, in fact, I would be sort of horrified if you weren't, but fucking research Peta at least. What a fucking cult those cuntbags are.
Reminds me of these self righteous morons who always bitch, also at me, for the vehicles we drive and how they are polluting the earth. "ZOMG ride a bike!"...as they drink bottled water. Are you fucking kidding me?
That being said... I'm still going to use my shampoo, deodorant, makeup, and what-the-fuck-ever I feel like, regardless of how it was made. It keeps me from looking and smelling like complete ass, and to me, that's a decent trade off.
Fuck Peta. Seriously. I'm so fucking sick of all these Peta-happy nutjobs. Yeah, I'm against hurting animals, but as I read a list of companies and products tested on animals, I find that I have half, if not more, of these products stocked in my apartment. I see posters on billboards of depressed puppies saying, "Why would you do that to me," with peta endorsements all the time. I look at my dog as I type this, and I know she doesn't give a fuck that I use Infusium 23 on my hair. Or that my hair dye is tested on animals. Granted, she is playing the ignorant role here, but even still. It's one thing to be opposed to animal cruelty, in fact, I would be sort of horrified if you weren't, but fucking research Peta at least. What a fucking cult those cuntbags are.
Reminds me of these self righteous morons who always bitch, also at me, for the vehicles we drive and how they are polluting the earth. "ZOMG ride a bike!"...as they drink bottled water. Are you fucking kidding me?
That being said... I'm still going to use my shampoo, deodorant, makeup, and what-the-fuck-ever I feel like, regardless of how it was made. It keeps me from looking and smelling like complete ass, and to me, that's a decent trade off.
I got laid of off work, so if you know of job openings that are CTA accessible, I'm all ears.
There is nothing wrong with jeans. Seriously, whenever you and I go out you're the hot one. 

It is always pleasant to hear someone else speaking common sense as well. Sorry about work & unfortunately I do not know of any openings.