I was in a much better mood this weekend. I think I just needed to finally have a day off. I like my job, but the constant schedule changes and opening shifts was exhausting. I'm pretty sure someone is mad at me over it. Buh.
Things on my end have been lonely. I havent had time to go out, not that I really have had places to go. The few friends I have that I confide in don't want me to talk to them about my personal life anymore, so basically I feel like everyone is just an acquaintance nowadays. That's terrific. I wish it was August already.
I'm trying to keep my chin up. I'm trying to drill it into my head that I dont really need approval from people to be happy.
Things on my end have been lonely. I havent had time to go out, not that I really have had places to go. The few friends I have that I confide in don't want me to talk to them about my personal life anymore, so basically I feel like everyone is just an acquaintance nowadays. That's terrific. I wish it was August already.
I'm trying to keep my chin up. I'm trying to drill it into my head that I dont really need approval from people to be happy.
Chica, tell me a day you are free. I will kidnap you and we will do fun things. I promise.

Out Wednesday? Too bad.