1. My van is causing me unnecessary stress. If it wasnt the coolest vehicle in existance, I might have to crash it into someone else's vehicle of shittier quality. Humor. We can't get my starter off...(long story, and a few other things breaking in the process)....therefore, my christmas money is gone, and I still havent fixed the van.
2. Fuck Petsmart. I know you say you'll return the favor, but I know you're FULL OF SHIT. I'm worrying about myself from now on.
3. New Incubus cd = exactly what I needed to hear. "Anna- Molly" is fucking fantastic.
4. My teeth are almost completely straight already. Its insane. They're pushing to have me done by this summer so I dont have to transfer all of that with me to portland. To not have braces on my 21st birthday would be fantastic.
5. What happened to SG rescheduling the cancelled tour dates? I feel like its not going to happen, and Im going to have to be sad. Anyone know anything about this?
6. It would a nice change to have friends who didnt just want to talk when they needed to vent or need a favor. Is that too much to ask?
7. I'm getting a ferret for christmas. I plan on naming him Coup d'tat. He will be my best friend. I had 2 ferrets previously, named Jello and Kamikaze. Jello was a lover, Kaze was a satanist, but he started to be nicer. Now a nice family in St. Louis has them.
8. I really want to shoot another set aimed at SG. Ive taken pictures since my last one (which I still havent seen....yet).
9. I dont have anything for 9.
10. (I like to use parenthesis)
I've been reduced to swearing at children.
One good thing that that came from your latest blog/vent = I got the new Incubus CD... Good shit!