Big thanks to everyone who left me comments and critiques on my set! I appreciate all the kind words! I have a few ideas for my next attempt, should work out.
In other news, I got the promotion at work I wanted. Now I am going to a grooming academy to get a bunch of fancy tools and learn fancy cuts and stuff. Ill be making good money a few months after I get back.
And because Im so excited and mildly obsessed, here's the gigantic list of everything they're giving me in academy.
In other news, I got the promotion at work I wanted. Now I am going to a grooming academy to get a bunch of fancy tools and learn fancy cuts and stuff. Ill be making good money a few months after I get back.

And because Im so excited and mildly obsessed, here's the gigantic list of everything they're giving me in academy.
Phew. Allegedly I am going to learn all of those in 4 weeks. They're also giving me a suitcase to put it all in. I feel so professional. Granted, they take money out of every paycheck to pay for all of that until its paid off....but hey! Still cool!
Im going to Chicago this friday. I cant wait. As soon as I get back Im going to the academy.
Umm....Im trying to get motivated to go to the grocery store and buy some hamburger and rice. I want to make sloppy joes and rice tonight. They dont really go together well, but I dont care.
I guess thats it. I dont know what else to say.
Gratz on promotion