Our microwave just broke.
It was free, so I guess you get what you pay for. On the other hand we bought a Brita filter so we dont have to keep buying water. The only experience I have with Brita filters was during college, when my roommate and I would use it for cheap vodka.
I got a minor eye infection the other night, and its still working on going away. I really need to learn to take my contacts out and wash my makeup off before I go to bed.. You'd think after I got these eye infections so many times I would learn...
Its been a good week in general. On friday my boyfriend and I went out to the movies....something we havent been able to afford in a long time. It was nice. Yesterday he took me on a date to Burger King, as cheap as it sounds I was so happy. I ate that stuff everyday at college, I missed it.
Today we've just been relaxing. Ive been eating alot of sugar. More than normal (I eat alot normally). Ill be getting braces in a few weeks, so my dearest love will be taken from me.
That brings me to my schedule for next week. Tomorrow Im getting a filling. Only one! Thats good for me. Tuesday Im getting 4 teeth ripped out. Wednesday I work.....Thursday I have my consultation for braces. So, they'll probably tell me my options, do some molds, explain to me how much more in debt my parents will be after this....(hahaha). I have to go to work afterwards, or before. I dont remember. I work friday, saturday, and sunday too. Its going to be an interesting week.
Things are much better lately. Its nice to be working and not be so worried about money. There's still a lot I have to worry about, but its going easier. My only main concern is paying off my credit card bills and getting a new vehicle. My van has been running okay, but my gas guage is WAY off, and its only a matter of time till something major happens on it again. Thank you Ford for building vehicles that break in many ways at once.
Hmm...what else....oh! I turn 20 in a month. I dont really want to, I dig being 19. Its a good age. Ill be spending most of it alone as it is, so that wont be much fun. Meh.
My mom called and told me my dog had a heat stroke....shit....I need to go home.

I got a minor eye infection the other night, and its still working on going away. I really need to learn to take my contacts out and wash my makeup off before I go to bed.. You'd think after I got these eye infections so many times I would learn...
Its been a good week in general. On friday my boyfriend and I went out to the movies....something we havent been able to afford in a long time. It was nice. Yesterday he took me on a date to Burger King, as cheap as it sounds I was so happy. I ate that stuff everyday at college, I missed it.
Today we've just been relaxing. Ive been eating alot of sugar. More than normal (I eat alot normally). Ill be getting braces in a few weeks, so my dearest love will be taken from me.
That brings me to my schedule for next week. Tomorrow Im getting a filling. Only one! Thats good for me. Tuesday Im getting 4 teeth ripped out. Wednesday I work.....Thursday I have my consultation for braces. So, they'll probably tell me my options, do some molds, explain to me how much more in debt my parents will be after this....(hahaha). I have to go to work afterwards, or before. I dont remember. I work friday, saturday, and sunday too. Its going to be an interesting week.
Things are much better lately. Its nice to be working and not be so worried about money. There's still a lot I have to worry about, but its going easier. My only main concern is paying off my credit card bills and getting a new vehicle. My van has been running okay, but my gas guage is WAY off, and its only a matter of time till something major happens on it again. Thank you Ford for building vehicles that break in many ways at once.
Hmm...what else....oh! I turn 20 in a month. I dont really want to, I dig being 19. Its a good age. Ill be spending most of it alone as it is, so that wont be much fun. Meh.
My mom called and told me my dog had a heat stroke....shit....I need to go home.
Hope your doggie will be alright. I hate it when my toaster over dies on me. I use that bad boy everyday. More so then the microwave, but it still sucks when that dies also.
I hope everything goes ok today and you feel better quick. I am thinking about you