Today was a day I was looking forward to. Getting away from the hellmouth known as Valpo and going home to hang out with Monikah for a while and then off to Chicago with my mom for Fondue at the Melting Pot. Didnt happen quite like that. But it wasnt completely bad either.
Right, so. I woke up, showered, got dressed up a little, filled up my gas tank (which I rarely can afford to do), put in a great mixed cd, and hit the road. It was sunny, I was dancing and singing in my van while I was driving, things felt great. Untill....
I was taking these backroads back to Crete, and I was on this really curvy road with a 40mph speed limit, but I was stuck behind a semi truck going about 20. Jackass. Why a semi was on this kind of road doesnt make much sense to me I went to pass him. It was a passing zone, no cars were coming, so I went for it. I sped up to about 50 to pass him, but when I got about to where his main cab on the truck is, the bastard SWERVED into the lane I was in and ran me off the road. I ran off into the grass and had to slam on my breaks, which probably caused the next problem...
I calmed down and the semi ended up turning off of the street to go somewhere else, thankfully. I kept driving, not like an asshole, FYI. I was stopped at the only main stoplight in Crete, and when it turned green I pressed the gas, but oh no, the van didnt want to drive anymore. I heard something similar to 147 screaming children in a car crushing machine. It was loud and painful and everyone was staring at my van....the gas pedal wouldnt work, so I let it glide onto a side street, but where does it stop?
Directly in front of the fire station, so if there was a fire, they couldnt get out. Good job van, thanks. Conveniently, I think, there was a police station next door, so I went there and they called a tow truck for me, since the van wouldnt budge anymore, no matter what I tried to do.
It was comedic for a while, then I had to hold back a few tears. Poor van. I dont completely hate it, its my other half. I was very sad. I still am. So they towed the van which cost me way to much money to literally move it about 30 feet. Funny thing though, it was quite obvious what was wrong once we moved it onto the bed of the tow truck. The ENTIRE drive shaft was still lying there in the road. Hinges and all. The whole god damn fucking thing was just sitting there. WELL THEN. Looks like that was the clanging noise. Everyone keeps telling me it could have been a really bad accident if I was going faster. Wouldnt that have been a riot....
Well, I got home, got the damage bill for my van, and pretended like it didnt happen from then on out. Monikah came over and I got more cotton candy ice cream. I was supposed to go with my mom afterwards to get fondue but my little brother is a douchebag and she had to stay home, so Monikah came with me, which made for a very comical evening. The food was amazing of course, and I think I got hit on by this guy in the mall. He was working a lotion stand and gave Monikah and I hand massages, but then he tried to give me another one, and then he stuck his tongue out at me. Well, I WAS convinced he was gay.
Im incredibly unhappy about my van. Its a feeling of security, and its gone.
Right, so. I woke up, showered, got dressed up a little, filled up my gas tank (which I rarely can afford to do), put in a great mixed cd, and hit the road. It was sunny, I was dancing and singing in my van while I was driving, things felt great. Untill....
I was taking these backroads back to Crete, and I was on this really curvy road with a 40mph speed limit, but I was stuck behind a semi truck going about 20. Jackass. Why a semi was on this kind of road doesnt make much sense to me I went to pass him. It was a passing zone, no cars were coming, so I went for it. I sped up to about 50 to pass him, but when I got about to where his main cab on the truck is, the bastard SWERVED into the lane I was in and ran me off the road. I ran off into the grass and had to slam on my breaks, which probably caused the next problem...
I calmed down and the semi ended up turning off of the street to go somewhere else, thankfully. I kept driving, not like an asshole, FYI. I was stopped at the only main stoplight in Crete, and when it turned green I pressed the gas, but oh no, the van didnt want to drive anymore. I heard something similar to 147 screaming children in a car crushing machine. It was loud and painful and everyone was staring at my van....the gas pedal wouldnt work, so I let it glide onto a side street, but where does it stop?
Directly in front of the fire station, so if there was a fire, they couldnt get out. Good job van, thanks. Conveniently, I think, there was a police station next door, so I went there and they called a tow truck for me, since the van wouldnt budge anymore, no matter what I tried to do.

It was comedic for a while, then I had to hold back a few tears. Poor van. I dont completely hate it, its my other half. I was very sad. I still am. So they towed the van which cost me way to much money to literally move it about 30 feet. Funny thing though, it was quite obvious what was wrong once we moved it onto the bed of the tow truck. The ENTIRE drive shaft was still lying there in the road. Hinges and all. The whole god damn fucking thing was just sitting there. WELL THEN. Looks like that was the clanging noise. Everyone keeps telling me it could have been a really bad accident if I was going faster. Wouldnt that have been a riot....
Well, I got home, got the damage bill for my van, and pretended like it didnt happen from then on out. Monikah came over and I got more cotton candy ice cream. I was supposed to go with my mom afterwards to get fondue but my little brother is a douchebag and she had to stay home, so Monikah came with me, which made for a very comical evening. The food was amazing of course, and I think I got hit on by this guy in the mall. He was working a lotion stand and gave Monikah and I hand massages, but then he tried to give me another one, and then he stuck his tongue out at me. Well, I WAS convinced he was gay.
Im incredibly unhappy about my van. Its a feeling of security, and its gone.
In my case, I didn't get it back.
And I thank you for your sympathy about my first forray into the AZ.
Please, read about it here.
[Edited on Apr 23, 2006 3:45PM]