I'm planning my Shoot with my ex-girlfriend, we have a location and a theme, it's going to be wild, i just wish i had some time off work to get some spot lights and whatever...
I've been listening to all my old 60's-70's records, i love dancing around my room at my new place, all trumpets and high (nipple) bass!
I've been trying to do my stencils too, but with work and m family, its hard to fit every thing in!
I've been listening to all my old 60's-70's records, i love dancing around my room at my new place, all trumpets and high (nipple) bass!
I've been trying to do my stencils too, but with work and m family, its hard to fit every thing in!

what kind of music is that?
so what kind of set are you thinkin of?
indoor, outdoor, gothic and scary or cute and fun?
good luck
work sucks right?