holy fuck time for a new entry or what ya bastards?? taha.
here's the deal i missed the pennywise show in toronto this month cause my friends are so goddamn lame so i'm going to BLOOD FOR BLOOD in brockville in august. hoody hoo!. blah.
people complain about rain way too much. boo hoo ya get a little wet. stay inside paint a fuckin picture watch a fuckin movie who gives a shit. IT"S NATURE WHAT THE FUCK IS WHINING GONNA DO ABOUT IT?????
i'm contemplating wether or not to shoot another set for SG. twwly is so far away so she can't shoot it for me this time
. we'll see i guess. maybe my boyfriend will cause he's the fuckin bomb shit
ahhhhhhhhhhhh i am so twiterpated.
choice lyrics of the day come from BAD RELIGION from the song "Them and Us" off of the album "Gray Race":
hate is a simple manifestation of the deep-seated self-directed frustration all it does is promote fear and constrenation it's the inability to justify the enemy and it fills us all with trepidation
they have the best lyrics ever. they flow perfectly and make so much sense it's incredible. i love them.
on the note here is my exerpt from my "list of things that are rad and/or rad things":
#27- infinity
pop quiz:
how many times a day do you take a piss?
here's the deal i missed the pennywise show in toronto this month cause my friends are so goddamn lame so i'm going to BLOOD FOR BLOOD in brockville in august. hoody hoo!. blah.
people complain about rain way too much. boo hoo ya get a little wet. stay inside paint a fuckin picture watch a fuckin movie who gives a shit. IT"S NATURE WHAT THE FUCK IS WHINING GONNA DO ABOUT IT?????
i'm contemplating wether or not to shoot another set for SG. twwly is so far away so she can't shoot it for me this time
choice lyrics of the day come from BAD RELIGION from the song "Them and Us" off of the album "Gray Race":
hate is a simple manifestation of the deep-seated self-directed frustration all it does is promote fear and constrenation it's the inability to justify the enemy and it fills us all with trepidation
they have the best lyrics ever. they flow perfectly and make so much sense it's incredible. i love them.
on the note here is my exerpt from my "list of things that are rad and/or rad things":
#27- infinity
pop quiz:
how many times a day do you take a piss?
"You're sorta cute" as in "you're hot!"
I pee about... hrm.... counting...maybe 5-10 times a day.