heyhey!!!i'm amped cause i get to go out tomorrow night and tie one on with my crew!!! doesn't happen often but when it does i go all out mother fucker.
other news.......my daughter can walk now!!!!!!! she's just very choosey about when she does. i think she prefers to be held but fuck who wouldn't??
choice lyrics of the day come from Catch 22 off of their "keasby nights" cd from the song "keasby nights":
"when you come for me i'll be sitting at my desk with a gun in my hand wearing a bullet-proof vest singing "my my my how the time does fly when you know you're gonna die by the end of the night!" "
fuckin rad tune right there
exerpt form my "list of things that are rad and/or rad things":
#62- radness
p.s. what is your favourite shape?
other news.......my daughter can walk now!!!!!!! she's just very choosey about when she does. i think she prefers to be held but fuck who wouldn't??
choice lyrics of the day come from Catch 22 off of their "keasby nights" cd from the song "keasby nights":
"when you come for me i'll be sitting at my desk with a gun in my hand wearing a bullet-proof vest singing "my my my how the time does fly when you know you're gonna die by the end of the night!" "
fuckin rad tune right there
exerpt form my "list of things that are rad and/or rad things":
#62- radness
p.s. what is your favourite shape?
Thanks for the lovely comments!