So, I'm beginning to feel pretty lame due to my lack of promised updates. I've been slowly crawling back into the world of the internet, but I have yet to make it my home again. School is taking up much more of my time than I had expected. *shrug* The only painfully boring class I have is German, but I suppose it could be far worse. <-- those are the awesome guys with whom I performed (on cello) the Beatles' Abbey Road album and a few other songs a few weeks ago. It was a wonderful experience which made me appreciate and view the Beatles' in a new light. The Beatles' used a huge range of instrumentation and were far more musically talented than I thought. Rockola reproduced the Beatles' sound flawlessly and stayed true to the original instrumentation, the way -all- true tribute bands should. Performing in the backup orchestra on stage with Rockola made me realize how much I miss playing my cello in an ensemble and how much I miss the sensation of being engulfed by the wave of sound from my cello melding with other instruments whilst playing in an orchestra. *twirl.swoon.faint* <-- those are the awesome guys with whom I performed (on cello) the Beatles' Abbey Road album and a few other songs a few weeks ago. It was a wonderful experience which made me appreciate and view the Beatles' in a new light. The Beatles' used a huge range of instrumentation and were far more musically talented than I thought. Rockola reproduced the Beatles' sound flawlessly and stayed true to the original instrumentation, the way -all- true tribute bands should. Performing in the backup orchestra on stage with Rockola made me realize how much I miss playing my cello in an ensemble and how much I miss the sensation of being engulfed by the wave of sound from my cello melding with other instruments whilst playing in an orchestra. *twirl.swoon.faint*