Everytime I talk to my mother about whats going on in my life or how Im feeling about somthing she just makes me feel ten times worse.
It sucks.
Instead of giving me hope on the current situation or telling me how to work through it her answer always is "Your only 23, you have plenty of other years to make up or find what your missing now"
What if I dont want those other years, what If I want to know how to make what I have now the best? Does she ever think of that?
It sucks.
Instead of giving me hope on the current situation or telling me how to work through it her answer always is "Your only 23, you have plenty of other years to make up or find what your missing now"
What if I dont want those other years, what If I want to know how to make what I have now the best? Does she ever think of that?

The less you try looking so hard and frantically for something, the easier it is to find sometimes, Aes. I'm not saying you have all the time in the world to figure things out. I'm just saying if you don't worry about it so much, sometimes it's easier to look at the whole picture and find what's missing. I'm tellin ya, it's gotta be one of the truest lyrics in history: "Hold on loosely, but don't let go. If you cling too tightly, you're gonna lose control." I say it a lot and I have to tell it to myself a lot, because it's the truth.
You always have to make right now the best. You never know what tomorrow will bring. I know she's your mom but sometimes moms don't give the best advice. Maybe you need to turn to someone else. I hope you're doing okay.