wow, i have been working nonstop all week - during
the day at FITNESS, and at night on VIXXEN.. everyone
in the office has been in such a good mood, which definitely
helps being productive!!
so, the boy has disappointed me, like they all do.. nothing new
there, although i cant get him outta my head. i usually do not
feel anything for casual fucks, but this one is definitely different..
however it would never work, so im trying to get him out of my head..
a little update:
1. FITNESS deadline is 7th dec. we only started working on it on the
24th. meaning a lot of sleepless nights and RED BULL.
2. vIXXEN is due 1st dec, and i still have so much to do.
3. my little sister arrives on the 11th.
4. my roots need a touch up.
5. im itching to get another tattoo.
6. i want to get outta this place. i wish i was as brave asDIAZ
7. my net has been fucking out.
8. i have been watching a lot of THE MENTALIST. i need to learn to
read people better.
9. every friday, when everyone at work talks about what they have planned
for the weekend, i get emo because i have nothing to do but work.
10. i have been listening to a lot of GOGOL BORDELLO & ESCAPE THE FATE.
11. i miss my friend, who i ended my friendship with.
12. i buried one of my closest friends last thursday.
13. i canot stop thinking about the boy's blue eyes.
14. i have been photographing lately.. which is a good sign.
15. cake at the office yesterday
16. i have about $1000 to last me and my sister for 3 weeks.
17. im at home on a friday night, drinking whiskey by myself.
18. im so lonely.
20. whenever i feel down, i listen to STRUNG OUT and imagine a
better life.
21. i honestly do not understand this TWILIGHT craze.
22. i missed the DITA VON TEEZE special on TV the other night.
23. i need to lose weight.
24. did the raddest fashion shoot withDIAZ 2 weeks ago. WOW. so
25. i have been checking my facebook obsessively. waiting for a message
from the boy.
26. i dont miss my ex finacee, im just hurt because of what happened after.
only DIAZ understands.
27. i am so happy alone, and becoming successful. but i wish i had someone to
come home to.
28. i finally found the needle the tattoo artist in bulgaria gave me and my sister.
29. my room needs more personality.
30. i still can only deal with my problems through alcohol.
the day at FITNESS, and at night on VIXXEN.. everyone
in the office has been in such a good mood, which definitely
helps being productive!!
so, the boy has disappointed me, like they all do.. nothing new
there, although i cant get him outta my head. i usually do not
feel anything for casual fucks, but this one is definitely different..
however it would never work, so im trying to get him out of my head..
a little update:
1. FITNESS deadline is 7th dec. we only started working on it on the
24th. meaning a lot of sleepless nights and RED BULL.
2. vIXXEN is due 1st dec, and i still have so much to do.
3. my little sister arrives on the 11th.
4. my roots need a touch up.
5. im itching to get another tattoo.
6. i want to get outta this place. i wish i was as brave asDIAZ
7. my net has been fucking out.
8. i have been watching a lot of THE MENTALIST. i need to learn to
read people better.
9. every friday, when everyone at work talks about what they have planned
for the weekend, i get emo because i have nothing to do but work.
10. i have been listening to a lot of GOGOL BORDELLO & ESCAPE THE FATE.
11. i miss my friend, who i ended my friendship with.
12. i buried one of my closest friends last thursday.
13. i canot stop thinking about the boy's blue eyes.
14. i have been photographing lately.. which is a good sign.
15. cake at the office yesterday

16. i have about $1000 to last me and my sister for 3 weeks.
17. im at home on a friday night, drinking whiskey by myself.
18. im so lonely.
20. whenever i feel down, i listen to STRUNG OUT and imagine a
better life.
21. i honestly do not understand this TWILIGHT craze.
22. i missed the DITA VON TEEZE special on TV the other night.
23. i need to lose weight.
24. did the raddest fashion shoot withDIAZ 2 weeks ago. WOW. so
25. i have been checking my facebook obsessively. waiting for a message
from the boy.
26. i dont miss my ex finacee, im just hurt because of what happened after.
only DIAZ understands.
27. i am so happy alone, and becoming successful. but i wish i had someone to
come home to.
28. i finally found the needle the tattoo artist in bulgaria gave me and my sister.
29. my room needs more personality.
30. i still can only deal with my problems through alcohol.
We will get together and bitch and moan untill we turn blue then we will feel better.
Alcahol will be our friend, together
I also can't understand this whole Twilight thing.. Its like Ooooh I am a vegetarian vampire and I love my family and I don't kill people and I sparkle like a diamond in the sun
Untill tomorrow gorgeous.
was nice, yesterday <3