I was in my friend's house studying and we were talking about hair and this kind of stuff (he works on a hair salon), and I told him I wanted to shave my head and he told me I would be awesome without hair. I was like WTF first but then I thought better and decided I really wanted to know the format of my head haha. SO I DID IT, and then we decided to paint it pink cause there was already a little piece that was pink and it would be easier just to paint the rest.
This is me and Raul, my bestfriend and hairstylist.
Then I paint my eyebrows so they looked more ~natural~, cause they were orange haha
And that's all
sorry for the quality, I only have my ipod to take pictures
Hope you like my new hair, I'm not totally convinced about it yet hahahaha.
I was in my friend's house studying and we were talking about hair and this kind of stuff (he works on a hair salon), and I told him I wanted to shave my head and he told me I would be awesome without hair. I was like WTF first but then I thought better and decided I really wanted to know the format of my head haha. SO I DID IT, and then we decided to paint it pink cause there was already a little piece that was pink and it would be easier just to paint the rest.
This is me and Raul, my bestfriend and hairstylist.

Then I paint my eyebrows so they looked more ~natural~, cause they were orange haha

And that's all

Hope you like my new hair, I'm not totally convinced about it yet hahahaha.
E muito obrigada Felicia_, c linda demais tambm!