ive discovered picnik. which do you like better?
white sox lost tonight. so did SIU salukis. o well. its ok. im still proud of be a fan of both. but i think im ready to switch to the bears now since the sox seem determined to break my heart this season. not that the bears have never broken a promise but ya know we can all hope in the beginning.

i think im watching gone with the wind. it came on after wild wild west. ive got a headache which i think is the beginning of a hangover from the ballpark.
i should go to bed.
btw wtf i think i didnt get the get preggers memo. everyone i know is carrying a bun in the oven. i feel left out.
weird. ::pops birth control:: but ya know what ive made it this far without thinking i was actually pregnant/being scared i might be/actually being pregnant on accident once in my fertile life. ive never run out for a test or made a drs appt to find out because i was paranoid. ive always logically analyzed the situation and decided there was no way possible i was sperminated. so i think since my track record is so awesome ill just wait till its safe and right to have a kid. ya know when im will my husband and financially stable. not that im bashing anyone who didnt do so. but since i have the resources to do so i think ill just wait on the whole impregnation deal. but goddamn i cant wait till that day.
im gonna be the cutest pregnant chick ever.

granted i wonder about how good of an idea it is to repopulate when we are overtaking what meager resources we have on this earth. i wonder wtf the world will be like when my kids are teenagers. fuck i feel old already thinking about how many generations of ipods there have been since i got mine when i was 21. someone actually told me mine was old the other day. i mean i guess 4 years old is old but shit. its works. our world changes so fast, what kind of world will this be when i try to bring a mini me into it? what strange and new circumstances will i face in raising children in that day and age? i guess im not gonna worry about it. all i can do is live my lfie and figure it out as i go along. but isnt that what we always do? isnt that all we can do?
o and yay for fall!

also ive managed to lose my septum jewelry that i love. i think it fell out of my pocket at the sox game. i had taken it out to make my daddy happy. my parents really hate the damn thing. im sure someone picked it up in the bathroom very confused as to what they had found.
"what is this giant staple doing here?"
anyways, its expensive and im pissed that i pretty much need to buy another one. it was painful enough buying it the first time. I need this is 8 gauge. anyone know where i can get this cheaper? or something just like it?