new 8 gauge 3/8" steel captive bead. i was expecting the circumference to be smaller. i keep seeing girls with super small rings hugging their septum's and it is so cute. my attempt didnt work at well with my apparent lack of knowledge of how big these things really are and i dont think my larger gauge helps much either.
all in all i do like it. even if i change my mind it only cost me $7 so im not too worried.
a friend of mine is currently incarcerated. he's started writing a book and i received it in the mail the other day. so far its very interesting. makes me miss him tho. its called. The Cynical Reflections of a Hopeless American Adolescent. I hope his dreams can come true the next time he gets out. If only he can stay out of jail this time.
happy 4th of july everyone! dont blow off your phalanges!
im going to Michigan and i get to go swimming! im so excited! i bought a new swimsuit.

yes i know its kinda mom like. but i dont have the tits or ass to wear bikinis held together with dental floss. im comfortable in this.
And second, you look great in that one piece too. Have a great time in Michigan.