well i still dont have much of anything interesting to say but im bored so you all get a blog.
I was about to get a new job working as a co manager at a journeys near my house. i was working at a journeys in carbondale when i was in college and they jumped on my knowledge of the store and managerial experience and offered me a full time job. i was not really expecting this. i wasnt looking for 45 hrs or more a week. so i ended up turning it down. i know they would end up making it difficult for me to take time off and work me like a slave. im not ready to put that much effort and time into a job that isnt my career. the bf is going to see what is available in his UPS building. they are a much better company to work for than Genesco. I need to be full time.
so we went to the Q101 Jamboree on Saturday. We saw Story of the Year, Coheed and Cambria, Seether, Three Days Grace, Papa Roach, Hollywood Undead, Saliva, Janus and on the smaller stage Flobots and some other bands. It was hot. It was crowded. But after getting me a few 24 oz. $11 beers i felt alot better. It was fun to people watch too.

i dyed my hair that morning and for some reason it came out really dark. like black red. its hot.

this is pumpkin. ive been noticing shes losing weight. so a vet trip was made. and at her age of 14 she is starting to experience renal failure and high blood pressure. so now every morning we have to force 3 pills down her throat. i love this cat and i hope with some preventative measures we can help her live longer and happier. she is pretty awesome but i worry. i dont know what life wud be like without my schnitty.

this is Goblin. shes only 10. shes about as cuddly as a 2x4. i love her too.
i got to see my brother the other day. he was recently transferred to a rehab facitlity after being in jail for a while. hes looking alot better. hes gaining weight. hes animated. hes happy. he has personality. hes my brother again. i cant wait for him to finish his rehab and come back home. He just turned 20 the other day.
i have another vacation. lucky me! the first half of next week will be spent up in Wisconsin with my family for my mothers 50 birthday. im nervous as there have been some changes to our cabin due to new county standards regarding the septic tank. ive heard it is a major eyesore because it is partially above ground due to a high water table.
the second half of the week will be spent in Pittsburgh with my boyfriend and his family to see the White Sox play the Pirates in PnC Park. We will also due a bunch of sight seeing. Im excited but a little nervous about my first time spending this much time with the boy AND his family. They are all nice enough and love me but they argue alot. 
man this weather is awesome. yay for cool breezes.
so tell me something interesting. im bored.

I was about to get a new job working as a co manager at a journeys near my house. i was working at a journeys in carbondale when i was in college and they jumped on my knowledge of the store and managerial experience and offered me a full time job. i was not really expecting this. i wasnt looking for 45 hrs or more a week. so i ended up turning it down. i know they would end up making it difficult for me to take time off and work me like a slave. im not ready to put that much effort and time into a job that isnt my career. the bf is going to see what is available in his UPS building. they are a much better company to work for than Genesco. I need to be full time.
so we went to the Q101 Jamboree on Saturday. We saw Story of the Year, Coheed and Cambria, Seether, Three Days Grace, Papa Roach, Hollywood Undead, Saliva, Janus and on the smaller stage Flobots and some other bands. It was hot. It was crowded. But after getting me a few 24 oz. $11 beers i felt alot better. It was fun to people watch too.

i dyed my hair that morning and for some reason it came out really dark. like black red. its hot.

this is pumpkin. ive been noticing shes losing weight. so a vet trip was made. and at her age of 14 she is starting to experience renal failure and high blood pressure. so now every morning we have to force 3 pills down her throat. i love this cat and i hope with some preventative measures we can help her live longer and happier. she is pretty awesome but i worry. i dont know what life wud be like without my schnitty.

this is Goblin. shes only 10. shes about as cuddly as a 2x4. i love her too.

i got to see my brother the other day. he was recently transferred to a rehab facitlity after being in jail for a while. hes looking alot better. hes gaining weight. hes animated. hes happy. he has personality. hes my brother again. i cant wait for him to finish his rehab and come back home. He just turned 20 the other day.

i have another vacation. lucky me! the first half of next week will be spent up in Wisconsin with my family for my mothers 50 birthday. im nervous as there have been some changes to our cabin due to new county standards regarding the septic tank. ive heard it is a major eyesore because it is partially above ground due to a high water table.

man this weather is awesome. yay for cool breezes.
so tell me something interesting. im bored.

cute cats, I miss my cats
Good luck with the job hunt and getting kitty all better
Dig the hair!