interview seemed to go well till i sat in the car for an hour in traffic and decided i was a blabbering nervous wreck. i need to decide what my weaknesses and strengths are before my next interview so i can answer those questions better. im pretty sure i left a puddle of sweat underneath myself. but i think they understood that im excited about the profession and a hard worker.
i have another interview at a Journeys on monday. if i dont get an apprenticeship soon i at least need to be making more money. if another part time job is what i need to get to do that then i guess i will. i prefer not to. i wish i could just be full time at one place. whatever. selling shoes is fun and i meet cool people.
its getting warmer outside. i dont like heat. it makes me sweat and feel gross. i love a/c.
i want a new tattoo. really bad.
i love hummus.
dr. told me i have tendinitis in my hip. my abductor tendon. i also learned that ive lost 13 lbs according to the dr.'s scale. that was an awesome feeling.
im just saying random shit now. ill update more when i have something interesting to say.

i have a feeling that isn't very sexy. haha