too bad i cut my hair and its too short to do this anymore. meh, its hair it grows.
vacation to Southern Illinois next week. First stopping in St. Louis to see a ball game possibly do some touristy shit.
Im really excited for this much needed break. Im a bit nervous about money as trying to pay bills after a vacation may prove to be a bit difficult. Im gonna sit down today and send out some resumes and hope i get a nibble on one of them. I'm so sick of my job.

yay for spring and trekking in the woods. i got super muddy yesterday but found these awesome mushrooms while popping a squat behind a tree.
boyfriend bought a new car the other day. a 2010 Chevy Aveo. He almost came home with a Bumblebee Camaro but i talked him into getting something a bit more modest and promised when he has his mid life crisis he can get whatever car he wants. plus the aveo is a bit more car seat friendly. not that we need one just yet but will in the future.

Yes that would be me on ModBlog 

Best quiff ever.