the new tank all set up!

my new calico oranda Dottie.

this is Godfrey.

Herman and the new blue oranda who doesnt have a name.

from the right side in.
I cant explain how happy i am to have this tank! Ive always wanted one like this! My babies have so much room now! and i got new friends! I got a few albino corys, a green hump cory, a blue oranda and the calico oranda. Petland was having a 50% off fish sale so i got great deals on them too.
my snails are so happy too! they are all moving around and exploring. i dont know how much they will breed anymore because the water level needs to be kept high. everyone is going to get so big! my plecos will be huge!
well last week was busy setting up this tank. and my work schedule was weird. so today im just relaxing.
Valentines day was awesome. I was taken to a nice dinner at Redstone. Awesome food! I got roses and chocolates and a picture from the night we met. It was really nice.

it seems im going to have to start looking for another job. i need to be making more money doing something since im not working at a funeral home. Im just not pulling in enough and with the huge changes that will be happening in my life in the next year im going to need some more money. maybe ill be able to save.

i still dont really know what im doing for my birthday. i know my sister will be home because my family and i will be going to Blue Man Group that weekend. It was one of moms xmas gifts from dad. I think i would like to go to Wildfire again. I went there last year and really liked it. Other than family dinner im not to sure whats going to happen. I think the boyfriend is attempting to get everyone together the night of my birthday. I'm not too worried about it.
i think ill get up and shower now. I do have somethings to move around after this whole room rearrangement and tank set up. I used my sisters room as a holding area for my shit.

i hope everyone is doing well!

im so jealous of your fish tank!!!
Happy birthday!