via myspace i just discovered that there is a 10th anniversary blu-ray edition on sale november 17th. i dont watch or really understand what the fuck blu-ray is but i still want it.
single serving friends
ive seen this movie so many times. i had seen it way back in highschool. but it wasnt until about 5 years ago that i really came to appreciate the movie, book and the author. i was quoting the movie in daily life, buying the posters, and seeing life through tyler durden's eyes long before pop culture bastardized soap and the 1st rule of fight club to make whatever band, clothing, or event cooler by associating it with Fight Club. This was when Brad Pitt was cool because he was an actor and not because he had a child of every color. This was the beginning of my love affair with Chuck. Thanks to an amazing teacher in community college who had me read the book and someone who truly showed me what this book, movie, and author was through his own love for them, this movie will forever be my number 1 favorite of all time.
I've woken up the the title screen playing over and over so many mornings because even tho i love it ill fall asleep anyway because ive seen it so many times. but its really no fun to watch anymore unless i can watch it with someone who appreciates it as much as i do. someone to quote THE WHOLE THING with word for fucking word. altho it is a blast to show it to someone to hasnt seen it before.
while i haven't watched this movie in quite a while due to having seen it so much before and the feelings and thoughts it conjures up I've got it playing behind me on this lazy friday morning. i feel like SHIT. this cold or whatever thats been hanging on for weeks but only really affects me in the morning and exhausts me beyond 12 hrs of healing sleep. and of course the o so wonderful cramps and what im suspecting are the worst hormonal changes ive experienced in a while due to having ovaries. needless to say today i truly do feel a bit on the frayed side.

i feel shaky as an alcoholic with the shakes but ive been sleeping all day. ive got one of those little scratches on the top of my mouth that would heal if only i could stop touching it with my tongue.
and of course how could i forget to link to this.
people really listen to you instead of just waiting for their turn to speak.
EDIT: new book
btw, BlueRay kills DVD...the same way DVD killed VHS sound wise, Blueray does it image-wise