so you can see how all my tattoos on my back work together. the snail is old and looks so faded compared to the new bright ones.

and new healed pics of the piercings

i really like my new piercing. i enjoy my little secret of the metal between my legs

i kinda had to pull myself out of the way so that you can really see. its not a legs spread shot.

ive just been working alot. alot of things going on in my head. thinking about this whole summer. looking forward to the fall. looking forward to my trip down to carbondale. i miss that town so much. i cant wait to see all my friends and drink in my bar.
im thinking about visiting a friend in Lansing and taking a side trip thru Galesburg so i can go to the Bell's Brewery. Fuck i love their beer.
well i have to work early. im gonna go relax. i cant wait till i get paid on thursday and then can go out cuz i have this weekend off.

hes just painting downtown in the streets. im not going, the damn baby wont let me get ready. and shes being fussy

as you should be!