so i "saw" NIN on friday night. Here is my account of the evening as cut and pasted from my myspace blog with a few slight tweaks.
What do you do at a metal concert? at a NIN concert? you jump around like an idiot and in my case create my own personal mosh pit involving everyone around me and the person i am with. when you are that close to the stage do not expect to not spill your beer or to be all that terribly comfortable among all those sweaty bodies. you will get pushed, shoved, stepped on, punched, and in general packed like a sardine. this is why you do not bring expensive cameras, expensive sunglasses, nice purses, or anything of any real importance. it will be destroyed more likely than not.
i'm in front of my friend and i turn around to see some prissy Gucci sunglasses wearing bitches freaked the fuck out on my friend claiming that he hit them. one actually manages to land a fist and hits him in the mouth leaving a fat lip. suddenly we are pulled out of the crowd by security. some lady screams in my face, "you are behaving like animals!" of course i scream back, "its a concert! you are supposed to!".
the security guards are dicks. no one listens to our side of the story and are claiming that my friend hit the girl/had his arm up like he was going to. even if his arm was up it was to defend himself from her fake nails and sharp elbows. we are eventually threatened with getting arrested for disorderly conduct and asked to leave. im sorry pushed out the gate. where the cops who have no jurisdiction inside the park tell us, "the concerts almost over, tonight is a good night, you arent in jail. youve been drinking i can smell it on you. you better leave." we had shared two beers. im crying hysterically because $120 spent on concert tickets just went down the drain as we only go to hear 4 songs.
i still cant believe the utter disregard for our side of the story. assumptions and sheer force is all they relied on. that and threats of jail.
we head towards the car fuming in our anger and lo and behold here are the sluts that got us kicked out acting like their shit don't stink. they say within ear shot, "look there's the guy that hit us." to which i say"excuse me? you hit him and got us kicked out!" well we didnt mean to, they say. no hard feelings right? we flip out and they start to back up and run towards some crossing guards. we walk away only to be confronted by another police van who tells us they are claiming we broke their camera. what fucking camera? they also ignore our story/our side/our rights. and tell us that if we wanted to press charges we would all probably just be going to jail.
we were having so much fun until this all happened. we were in a good spot. what the fuck has the world come to? and holy hell does it burn that after all that they didnt even stay. here we are die hard NIN fans who get kicked out for something we didnt do and they dumb sluts who went just to do something on a friday night and dress up like whores just leave.
please tell me that the metal/rock world isnt becoming a pussy and that these girls were just in the way of all the cool people.
and there is no one i can really complain to in an attempt to find some justice. no one.
needless to say im still fuming about that. erg.
i just hope i can scrape together enough cash to go to Lolla so that 3 days of drunken sun and music can make up for the complete bomb of NIN.
im going to go set my tent up and throw the cats in it and watch them try to jump thru screens.
What do you do at a metal concert? at a NIN concert? you jump around like an idiot and in my case create my own personal mosh pit involving everyone around me and the person i am with. when you are that close to the stage do not expect to not spill your beer or to be all that terribly comfortable among all those sweaty bodies. you will get pushed, shoved, stepped on, punched, and in general packed like a sardine. this is why you do not bring expensive cameras, expensive sunglasses, nice purses, or anything of any real importance. it will be destroyed more likely than not.
i'm in front of my friend and i turn around to see some prissy Gucci sunglasses wearing bitches freaked the fuck out on my friend claiming that he hit them. one actually manages to land a fist and hits him in the mouth leaving a fat lip. suddenly we are pulled out of the crowd by security. some lady screams in my face, "you are behaving like animals!" of course i scream back, "its a concert! you are supposed to!".
the security guards are dicks. no one listens to our side of the story and are claiming that my friend hit the girl/had his arm up like he was going to. even if his arm was up it was to defend himself from her fake nails and sharp elbows. we are eventually threatened with getting arrested for disorderly conduct and asked to leave. im sorry pushed out the gate. where the cops who have no jurisdiction inside the park tell us, "the concerts almost over, tonight is a good night, you arent in jail. youve been drinking i can smell it on you. you better leave." we had shared two beers. im crying hysterically because $120 spent on concert tickets just went down the drain as we only go to hear 4 songs.
i still cant believe the utter disregard for our side of the story. assumptions and sheer force is all they relied on. that and threats of jail.
we head towards the car fuming in our anger and lo and behold here are the sluts that got us kicked out acting like their shit don't stink. they say within ear shot, "look there's the guy that hit us." to which i say"excuse me? you hit him and got us kicked out!" well we didnt mean to, they say. no hard feelings right? we flip out and they start to back up and run towards some crossing guards. we walk away only to be confronted by another police van who tells us they are claiming we broke their camera. what fucking camera? they also ignore our story/our side/our rights. and tell us that if we wanted to press charges we would all probably just be going to jail.
we were having so much fun until this all happened. we were in a good spot. what the fuck has the world come to? and holy hell does it burn that after all that they didnt even stay. here we are die hard NIN fans who get kicked out for something we didnt do and they dumb sluts who went just to do something on a friday night and dress up like whores just leave.
please tell me that the metal/rock world isnt becoming a pussy and that these girls were just in the way of all the cool people.
and there is no one i can really complain to in an attempt to find some justice. no one.
needless to say im still fuming about that. erg.

i just hope i can scrape together enough cash to go to Lolla so that 3 days of drunken sun and music can make up for the complete bomb of NIN.
im going to go set my tent up and throw the cats in it and watch them try to jump thru screens.
that is ridiculous, sorry for your night, ive been to hundreds of concerts and know the feeling of getting all hyped up to go and going nuts when it finally happens, to have that ruined by a couple idiots who probably just think it's "cool" to be there, good job in restraining yourself from beating them up afterwards
thanks doll!!xoxo