hey everyone, just thought id tell you about my little trip to the dam. amazing trip last night with anton last night was fucking amazing, started in a sports pub in the red light district fucking great pub great beer(orangaboom), and the staff were really cool, got smashed in there, started playing jenga with some tiawanese students, fucking crazy. and then after that we went to coutless other bars and had a few space cakes, by the end of the night must of had at least 13 pints of beer, i was steaming! got lost on our way back to our hotel didnt get back to our hotel til 4 in the morning, a great night to send off my good mate anton who is still out there as i speak on a pub crawl! the day before that we started on the pot quite quick, i had way too much and ended up un bed early pulling a whitey lol, but i got over that. there is too much to explane. i fucking love the dam. i wouldn't leave the uk but the dam is certainly twisting my arm! The people just dont care, such a laid back way of life which would just suit me down to the ground. carn't wait to go again, but next time i wanna take sarah, i know she would love it.
i will post some pics when i get them adios xxx
i will post some pics when i get them adios xxx

I love Amsterdam too