I want to live in a hobbit hole, i seriously think if i could get planning permission i could live out my fantasy of being a self seficient hobbit!

look at this house in this link this is what i want

hobbit hole
Hello, Ive just come back home for a few days to see my family so i thought id have a look on here too, im going back out traveling today woohoo, going to the east coast today spend about two weeks out there and them we back again for sarah's cap and cloak serimony. has been an amazing trip up to yet seen some amazing...
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goodbye for a while everyone, im off on my travels today! speak to you soon. smile

tata for now!
have fun! tongue
The strangest think has happend in this house last night, I woke up this morning and there was two rose pettles on my bedside drawer. The mad thing is there is knowone in the house but me and we dont have any flowers in the house either! I don't know where the heck they have come from. I'm all alone aswell my family have gone...
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whoa.... was the window open? maybe they blew in.
otherwise i'd say you have a ghost. surreal
I think ive got all i need now for when me and sarah go away, woohoo! tryed to put the tent up in the garden yesterday to say it was a major task is a understatment! but im glad we did it now were not gonna be thrown in the deep end when we go. but it all went up ok once we knew what...
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I have officially left work today! all i have to do now is pack and go! the world is my lobster, or is it oister? i dont know but it is. i really suffer with spelling i think i have a problem. but that is the least of my worries at the mo, bring on the quest! cannee wait man!

it was my and my...
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hahahaha lobster... it's definitely oyster wink hehe
and how cute are you! why aren't more boys cute like that. so sweet.
Im skint, I get payed tomorrow but i owe it all out it's not fair!
damn the man! shocked tongue
Hello everyone,

Not left a blog in a while so i thought what the hell. I have handed my notice in to work today, so im all ready to go traveling woohoo! I'm going to really miss some of the people i work with but alot of people arn't worth bothering about. Im really exited about going now, its gonna be a amazing summer, i...
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i want to me a hippie when i grow up, lol. tongue
hey everyone, just thought id tell you about my little trip to the dam. amazing trip last night with anton last night was fucking amazing, started in a sports pub in the red light district fucking great pub great beer(orangaboom), and the staff were really cool, got smashed in there, started playing jenga with some tiawanese students, fucking crazy. and then after that we went...
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biggrin Diolch yn fawr!

I love Amsterdam too smile
I fucking hate work!

Carn't wait to leave in may. hit the road. Going to go all around the coast of mainland uk starting in cornwall and going anti-clockwise around ive always wanted to do it so while ive got the time and funds i thought i'd give it a go. Work is getting really shit now, they seen to be getting more and more...
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hello, me again. I went for a drink last night with some people i went uni with a few years back. It was very strange to say the least. We used to talk every day but i haven't seen them for a few years and it was like i was talking to complete stragers. It's made me feel like i don't try hard enough to...
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Hot pic.
It's still fooking freezing here, but i love this time of year. I love when the sun shines but it's still frosty, and the daffodylls are in bloom even though there's snow on the ground. I always feel happy this time of year, even though im always skint. But at the end of the day money is not everything, and when you have lost somone...
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i <3 daffodylls
I miss my granddad too he passed in 2004
thanx hun!

daffodylls & tats make me happy smile

have a lovely week kiss