YAY for me. I'm on day four of five days off in a row. I'm loveing every minute of it. Went to an SCA event up north for the first three days. It was great. And now I think I'm gonna sit arround and be lazy the next couple of days.
Blegh, another 60 hour work-week. That on top of partying, as opposed to sleeping, every night has made me one dead duck. I keep telling myself I need to post a pic of me which doesn't make me look like a drunk idiot. But I can't find one.
Lately I've been getting close to a friend from work. One night last week we got really...
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we went to the illinois river today. its been way fun. I've been Crushing on a girl from work. I'll know tonight if she digss me.
wow, over two months here and my only friend is a cat.
Hey hows it going?
so what are y'all up to?
Cant sleep. Got a couple new pictures posted. Its been three days and I've seen about four hours of the insides of my eyelids. Half because i've just had shit to do. Half because I feel like shit. I've been so lonely lately. I want to wake up holding somebody other than Ollie or Cedrick.
Yay, I love working this shift. Its easier, makes more money and I get out at a reasonable time. Tonight I'm having some friends over. Bought some Tanqueray, juice and Guinness. My weeny friends can have Gin and juice. I'll have a few martinis then switch to the Guinness.

Well They are here now, gonna go drink and throw some bones
I hate that I have the habit of pushing 'back' right after I post something. I always end up double posting. Maybe more later.
my favorite song it Something Corporate - Konstantine

and to respond to why you asked "how goes" ... it goes ok

and I hate double posting I hate it even more that they cant be deleted
Things are starting to go right at work. I'm getting my old position back and will hopefully be making a lot more money. though I have to sleep, must be up in 2 hours.
Sweet!! Another easy day at work. its almost 4and I'm almost drunk with my friend Trav. I taught him my card game and hes playing okay. He's way more drunk than I am. hes in the can, so I should prolly make this quick.
hi, how goes?