w00t, party night. Just home from work gonna shower soon. Once midnight comes arround its Tanqueray thursday. But I'm Partying with the people from work again. I gotta stop working so much. I need to meet some friends outside of work. I need to meet a girl outside of work. I need some tender viddles. But until then I'll bide my time cuddling Cedrick and Ollie. I'll try to post more later.
More Blogs
Friday Jan 13, 2006
What a fuckin week?!?! I've been real depressed and down lately and … -
Thursday Jan 05, 2006
Well I had two days off in a row. how about that. Ive had an exciti… -
Wednesday Dec 21, 2005
Well I just noticed that my favorite SGs are gone which is a godsend … -
Monday Dec 19, 2005
aye cabron! I'm somewhat aggrivated at my roomate. If I'd have want… -
Thursday Dec 15, 2005
I'm feeling better than I was, still all snotty though. Moreover lon… -
Sunday Dec 11, 2005
Blargh. I'm getting sick again. The worst part is the ear infection… -
Thursday Dec 08, 2005
Well I'm not gonna get my birthday wish. Whatever, it's just a day. … -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2005
great weekend at the coast. I'll put some pics up later. -
Monday Nov 28, 2005
Oay, I think I'm better at working and drinking than I am sleeping. … -
Saturday Nov 26, 2005
Shite! thats alls I gots to say. I stayed up way late again last ni…